How to stop AV Premades

I was thinking that the AV number should be removed when queues pop so that people can’t just join that AV channel in the Discord. Doing this will make premades significantly more difficult to form and make AV more balanced for both factions.


Simpson’s did it:

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AV is not balanced to start with …

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Even if we don’t win. when the horde actually coordinates and stalls the premade, and getting more honor then them in the end, we win regardless.

Just stalled a buncha r11’s/r12’s for about 30 minutes lol.


No changes. Love my premades and insta queues.
Keep zugzugging on a menethil boat on ony reset days.


You assume i play on a pvp server. :’). im not that much of a masochist to rank grind.

this topic legit needs more post.

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Queue in WSG for horde premades instead
If no Horde queue for AV, then there is no alliance AV premades.

Are you prepared to accept 1 to 2 hour AV queues?


Ok, take away the battleground number. Now players will look at the raid groups. If they see that their premade isn’t in the same bg they will drop. The only difference is that it will take five minutes for people to desert instead of one.

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Not only will that stop AV premades, it’ll also stop alliance AV in general. All that does is move the premades to WSG, and make your AV queue times 2+ hours. You wanna fix the problem, find a way to fix faction imbalance in pvp.

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This will only fix a small aspect of the problem. The real problem is that the amount of honor you can gain in an AV match, significantly dwarfs the honor you can earn in WSG. I propose that the available honor, in an AV match, should be reduced by 50%. This will remove the monopoly that AV has in PVP, it will remove the impact of premades in AV, because the honor grinders will prefer to play WSG, and AB when that comes out. This change would make AV a more casual experience and you won’t see so much exploitation in AV. Most of the current problems would go away.

Well clearly the best solution is just scrapping honor. We’ll have to wait for classic TBC for that sadly.

Nerfing horde racials would be a good start.

Orc stun resist for example should be like human perception. 20 sec buff on a 2 min cool down. It should not be a passive innate.


Dude, we waiting hours to queue AV back in the beginning, sometimes all day would pass with out one.

Nerfing them now does nothing, the damage is done. People aren’t gunna reroll alliance just because orc racial was nerfed. Unfortunately horde players have to realize they are the ones who have fix the issue. Based on how well horde only server transfers worked I doubt enough will reroll to make a difference in queue times.

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The thing is, even if Blizzard nerf Alliance premades, the bulk of the horde players won’t thank Blizzard for it, they will complain much more since their queues have gotten much worse.

There will be a large proportion of Alliance will probably take a break from AV if the premades got nerf which will exponentially worsen the queues for the horde.

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They won’t take a break they’ll stop altogether. WSG will be better honor than losing 30min AV’s. Which just means WSG will be flooded with alliance premades, horde will come to forums and complain about it, and the cycle repeats.

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It’s a lot easier to stomp ally premades in WSG than it is this AV stuff. Just watched 2 paladins abuse a glitch so they could end the game in 5 minutes again. It’s getting kinda old to get one of those games every 3 or 4 times you queue, Blizz will probably put something in to stop it soon I’d imagine since the PvP population is completely dying off due to the effects of AV being broken and glitches being abused.

Um, you do realize that a Horde player can premade WSG like all day long, for as many times as they can possibly queue, right?
Right in game even, no need to discord and queue juggle.

Do you use thought before posting snotty comments, or just blindly run around making people think all alliance are idiots?

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