How to solve public crafting order problem

Quality is random until you hit max, so only people at max skill could guarantee quality anyway. I’m not sure that would accomplish what you want.

why not? theyll get max level eventually too no?

i maxed my alch without filling orders anyways. maybe its different for other profs.

You wrote a lot, and the ONLY flaw I find in what you wrote (it’s a good post), is ^^ THIS line.

Because the recipe costs are set by the players.

People need to learn to say NO.

All the recipes from the vendors, via Renown, are like 50 Dragon Isle Supplies. They might as well be free.

But if you want to spend 900k on a recipe ON THE GAMBLE it’ll pay off in selling what you make… that’s on YOU, not the system.

Things are wayyyyyyy too hyper-inflated in the game, because everyone seems to have just accepted the “meh, just buy a Token and pay for it” mentality. Like… literally, I’m the only person I know who sees something expensive and just walks away from it. Everyone I know just hops right on the Token bus.

I just don’t get it.


For a “turn-key” business where you practically provided nothing except having an overpriced recipe (seen it go to 500K now) and specced in the easiest money making paths available.

If I had taking Jewerly (lariat) along with the basic all round mastery it would easily be 100-200K a week easy with no mettle needed right now for doing nothing except spending 10 minutes in Trade asking who else wants a R5 lariat.

You can guarantee R3/R5 most, if not all, items at a skill of a little over 80 depending on mats used, equipment, illustrious insight, and how you specced (did you ignore the boring ole “Jack of all Trades spec”, ironically having a max skill does little if anything for me, it’s only relevant when working with infusions and stuff at most.

Just remove crafting order system and make things sellable on auction house. It will reward the crafters greatly and reduce the efforts crafters has to put in spamming trade chat all day. It will also reduce the effort players have to put in to get their items. Crafting order system Should just be a cheaper alternative if it is too pricy on Auction house not the only way to get stuff. Its a step back from auction house and its worse than auction house. Only way this works is if you merge the two and make stuff easier to buy from crafting order window not track recipie go to Auction house buy and come back and wait 30 minutes to get items. How often in game do we want any item after 30 mins. I have to wait for the crafter to finish raiding or dungeons or whatever. Best way for me to play is to be able to craft everything myself so i dont have to wait. If auction house did not exist in game, crafting order system is great. But since we have a auction house crafting order system is stupid. No one even knows why we have this system in game when we already have auction house.

I would hardly call people macro spamming trade chat as “Player interaction”

The other major issue is a number of people are gaming the system stacking resourcefulness while lying about their inspiration percentage.

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