This would completely push out new crafters though, because no one would ask for anything less than tier 5 quality. Which even most top crafters cannot do without an inspiration proc.
Edit: here is an idea on how to solve the public work order conundrum. First off, make them region wide. Then limit the amout of public work orders a single person can do from 20 a day to ~5 a week.
This would stop a single person from just chewing up all the orders and incentive customers to provide a nice commission, since crafters can only do so many crafts a week. They will only want to do they highest paying once.
Because having to loophole the system for this is absolutely ridiculous. Is it hard? No and everyone does it, but the best way to utilize a system being “just make another character and ignore the actual work order system” isn’t good design. You don’t even make items that “require” the system and instead make 310 IL bracers you can find on the AH because they cost like 400g to make or whatever.
That’s because people are being obsessive about skill-ups and not understanding that you get way more skill points from the spec trees than the base stat, now…
This wouldn’t ever need to happen though, since as another poster already pointed out, you cannot fill orders that you can’t guarantee the quality of. Either the crafter can do it or they can’t. Either they will do it for the posted commission or they won’t.
No true at all, i have gotten 100 skill in 2 profession and are really close to 100 in 2 more (96 and 89 skill in LW and Tailoring respectively). And that’s through public work orders. I just park my character in front of the work order table while i watch a movie or youtube, occasionally refreshing to see if anything is up.
Edit: Yesterday i managed to do 12 public work orders across two characters.
No it’s because no one wants to buy non-max level items. Why on earth would I spend 40k+ on a rank 3/4 Lariat when I can get a rank 5 for roughly the same price? Spoilers anyone buying the lower one is getting effectively scammed.
Do you get more overall skill from the spec trees? Yes, absolutely, but let’s not pretend you can craft anything worthwhile being down 40+ skill by being at ~60 skill and not 100. That’s more than an Illustrious Insight.
Must be nice to have things people want. Engineering gets Richard. Literally no work orders since the first two weeks. After everyone got their profession equipment the first two weeks, either through the ordering system or off the AH, no one is ordering anything.
The way I see it, here’s how the crafting order system can be improved.
Let us set minimum quality requirements for public order, the reason most don’t use it is because we can’t prevent unskilled crafters from completing the public order. *
Let crafters place orders (limit to maybe 5 item type) on the board, kind of like advertisement of their craft. This allows people to search an item they want and interact with the crafting screen and see the results depending on what quality of mats they input. Then the crafting order can be submitted which the crafter can process later on.
I would still prefer a tab of NPC private orders to give people who want to craft a baseline of quick daily crafting activity rather than relying on a player economy that appears to be unable to provide enough low end activity.
I’m just not sure how to structure the rewards to avoid triggering a backlash from mission-table-haters.
lol…ok…well, I was not aware. Have not looked in to it. I don’t worry about gear too much really. Imma BDK…these things are kinda trivial for open world stuff
I do the storms for the sygils every week…savin those up now for the weapon…woohoo…2 more weeks…lolol…meh, something to do.
This sounds good on paper, but when would a person ever WANT a rank 1/2/3 item crafted? Especially as we get later in the expansion and more and more people fill out their profession specs.
Forcing crafting orders is a stupid heavy-handed decision. Really, just make the recipes BoE and use the Crafting Orders for folks that want specific stats/embellishments etc. Maybe make the quest to create 3 public crafting orders which much be completed for credit.