How to salvage WoW Burning Crusade Classic


I target this post at blues. This is a simple guide to salvaging the remaining player base (and perhaps bring back subs) before BCC is over, and it can be done with relative ease - or at least I would think so.

First, what problem am I proposing we solve?

According to there is a massive imbalance across all US East and US West servers of significant population, most especially PvP realms. I am almost positive this same problem exists for other regions.

Due to the recent drop of population on many realms, it has driven population towards a few concentrated realms – further exacerbating the population hemorrhage among medium and low-pop realms.

As an unfortunate result, these realms have been targeted by particular factions creating significant imbalances between the factions. On PvP realms, this is most noticeable since PvP is a core part of the game for PvP servers, obviously. Open-world PvP is a quintessential part of PvP realms, and for that, it makes sense that a large imbalance (>25% population difference) is problematic.

The core of the problem is that too many realms are either unpopulated, or severely imbalanced such that no server is a particularly good option - there are some that seem somewhat balanced, but even those exhibit significant imbalances. Imbalance cannot be stopped completely, but it can be mitigated. Dying, underpopulated servers, however, can absolutely be avoided.

What is the proposed solution?

Obviously, merge servers. I know that this may leave a sour taste in some peoples’ mouths, but there is a key to how to do this to minimize impact. I remember server merging on retail, and I know exactly why this can be bad, so I will summarize what I believe is the best move forward to handling this situation, and I encourage others to comment on what they agree and disagree with. After all, a solution must be reached else WoW classic will lose a large portion of its players who further refuse to transfer servers and would prefer to let their characters die on a realm.

If we merge servers, we can do the following:

  • Coalesce the player bases of many servers with less than 10k total population into servers where each faction has greater than 5,000 players (hopefully somewhat more than 5000 per side).
  • Find a balance of active players such that no server has more than a 40-60 split among factions.
  • Increase efficacy of player trade by increasing auction house liquidity.
  • Increase ability for players to find dungeons and raids, due to a larger amount of people playing.
  • Bring back people into the game who had left or temporarily halted game play due to perceived lack of activity.

How should we do it?

  • Low and medium pop realms merge into 1-4 realms per region.
  • Servers should be merged by type, preserving playstyle.
  • Character names could be preserved by appending “-Realm” to names, but this need not be the way character name preservation/distribution is handled.
  • High population servers can be merged if necessary, since layering is a “viable option” to handle populated parts of the map.
  • High population servers possibly could get free transfers to lower-population servers - but only for dominant factions.

What should we avoid?

  • We should avoid allowing auction houses and trading to be segregated to origin servers like was done in retail upon server merge. This is key to prevent a dead economy.
  • We should avoid being too concerned about appeasing individuals, and work towards appeasing the masses - generally speaking.

Key points on why we should avoid certain things

In retail, auction houses (and player trades) were separated per server when the original realm merging happened. I’m not really sure the reason this was done, but it made the auction house a very antiquated system and discouraged trade among servers that had really gone south in the population count. For instance, I played on Shandris-US in retail. Trust me, during the population drop beginning in late WoTLK and every expansion thereafter, the auction house was pretty much dead.

I know people have strong feelings about the auction house being “not the point of WoW”, but economy is a quintessential part of most MMOs, especially MMORPGs. I feel this way, and some may not, but it is definitely felt by many and that’s the reason that a lot of people quit servers. I always hear, “I can’t find dungeons” and “I can’t buy/sell what I need/want on the auction house” when talking to people who are transferring servers.

As for the aforementioned worry about “appeasing the masses, not the individual”, I am very much an individualist at heart, but in times where large numbers of people are affected by a problem, sometimes you have to ignore the strong opinions of few in favor of the many.

There are many posts talking about merging realms. Recently Blizzard attempted to solve this problem by allowing a select number of realms to transfer to other realms. This just made the problem of imbalanced realms worse, since most people transferred to servers with high population counts. This seemed to not really help medium-pop servers at all, and frankly I’m not surprised.

What incentive do people going from low pop realms have to go to medium pop realms when the same thing is happening to these medium pop realms? Virtually none. Some people will be upset because they prefer low-populated realms and I think that naturally that is a preference of a very small population of people playing this game.

I would imagine the large majority of the demographic of WoW does not want to continue the status quo.

Why do I care?

Anecdotally, I am currently on the second realm that has experienced a significant drop in population. I went from Kromcrush-Alliance (0 alliance pop) to Thunderfury-Alliance (~35% alliance pop, lost >60% of players on my faction since I joined). Thunderfury in the last few weeks is strikingly similar to where Kromcrush was around the time of TBC launch.

To be frank, I don’t find the game enjoyable anymore with so few people online. Finding raids is near impossible without joining up with a large guild who want me to have dedicated timeslots. As a greater-than-full-time employee, I find it hard to be able to make promises and prefer to PUG when possible.

Farming for items is mostly pointless, because items have a hard time selling in the auction house. The last few days of playtime, I lost money posting auctions due to nobody buying items (truly, lack of demand).

I’ve paid for a transfer, I’ve lost my money once and Blizzard still has no plan on refunding me for my transfer from a realm that shortly after was given free transfers to other realms. I don’t expect that money back, but I do plan on cancelling my subscription in the near future if this problem is not handled in a way such that I feel my subscription money is worth it.

End rant

I’m not really into the idea of spending time playing this game that much longer if things don’t change. I love WoW classic, that’s why I renewed my sub, and that’s all I am paying for.

Retail bores me. About half of my TBC experience (the expansion I wanted to play the most) has been plagued by this problem, and I don’t see it changing without a significantly clear-headed action on Blizzard’s behalf.

Frankly, I don’t see them doing this any time soon, nor do I think my rant in particular will actually do anything. Still, I post this to increase the number of posts addressing this, and hope that others will chime in, and maybe make their own post addressing this. Eventually, Blizzard will come to their senses, or people will quit enough to make them come to their senses.

After 14+ years of being an on-and-off subscriber, I know how this goes. And a year-long or longer subscription hiatus may help Blizzard realize this.



/10 char


I too was really looking forward to TBC again. But it’s a different animal than vanilla. It really lends itself to be a raid logging expansion. The world is smaller, and outside of people with an abundance of time on their hands, is not the most alt friendly environment.

This makes it difficult when it comes to population, and what blizzard could even do to remedy it. In a way I feel like Blizzard is aware this is a stop gap before Wrath comes along, as those floodgates will swingeth open.

You made a passionate post. They played their hand. That’s about all she wrote. When Hyjal and BT open people will gobble it down with the dispassion of a sexually frustrated minded individual with all the abandon it comes with. After that it’s Sunwell. Time is pretty much up.


Hey, thanks for your comment. I appreciate your input.

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TBH, I’m not all that interested in going back to TBC. My initial goal was to hit 70 then have fun in BGs. The player base did a pretty good job to spoil that fun.

The players as a whole don’t seem to want balanced servers. They don’t want balanced PvP. TBC may be irreparable.


This won’t work due to players’ raid logging, arena logging, and I suppose there might even be some goblin logging.

What would be the alternative? Count players based on people actively playing say at least… 15-20 hours a week, but then you will just end up with multiple Pagle sized realms and that is what you were trying to avoid.

This is an impossibility without Blizzard enforcing that limit. Players have already shown they don’t want something balanced. They want to either absolutely overwhelm the opposition or enjoy fighting the odds. There isn’t any in-between. This is the issue with faction-based MMOs.

New AH does this but I guess #nochanges?

This is LFR and LFD. Which is extremely controversial for various reasons. Personally, I’m okay with LFD as it is something that is needed unless there is a universal realm. LFR on the other hand. I feel needs to be changed to not have a lower difficulty. So ultimately I’d want LFR level and Flex (Normal) level to never be introduced and if you are going to use LFR it is going to through you into Normal (Heroic) and if you want to do Heroic (Mythic) you need to find a guild.

Not exactly sure how anyone would go about this… outside of Blizzard actually making a game worth playing over something else. Which at current they can’t because we are just using the content of old they can’t make it “better”.

That would more or less be Blizz implementing sir names into the game. So why not just go all in.

Disagree if you are going to merge. You have to go all in.

I think trying to appease the masses is what leads to the negatives retail has in the first place.

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The only ways to solve imbalance:

  • Remove all racials
  • Remove cross faction grouping and communication limits.

You will never solve imbalances without one of these because there’s no incentive to choose the weaker faction. Merging servers will just temporarily avoid the issue, and eventually make it even worse as the smaller faction becomes even further outnumbered.

Note: Removing Racials is probably already past the opportunity at this point because the imbalances are self sustaining.

The problem is not Blizzard’s implementation of TBC. It’s the players and the faction system itself.

I mean, sure, balance can’t be perfectly achieved but combining a server with 2k alliance and 8k horde with a server with 7k alliance and 3k horde is way better than leaving them severely unbalanced.

I’m not asking for a permanent limit, I’m asking for intentionally doing this on a one-time merge. You’re right, enforcing this going forward is impossible, but I’m not asking that we do that.

I am unsure if you mean newer retail AH or a new server’s combined auction house… either way, #nochanges was long gone before TBC launch and adding a boost completely shot any idea of “no changes” far into space.

Simple. Make the servers playable again by not expecting people pay $25/character on top of their $15/month sub. Handle the population issue that makes people feel like not engaging in the game. I know plenty of people who stopped playing due to servers effectively dying. Some pay to transfer, some quit. It’s really that simple.

This is a proposal to prevent the inevitable name crisis when merging servers. “Surnames”, or realm-suffix, whatever you want was a mechanism used to permit multiple of the same name on retail. It’s just a mechanism for handling name conflicts, but does not have to be.

Also, what is “go all in”?

So, you believe that you have to keep auction houses separate such that it’s not a “true merge” but rather a pseudo-merge like was done in retail? Why would anybody want to merge all players, but keep auction houses entirely separate between people with dead realms?

I strongly disagree with that, and can’t think of any really solid reason for having linked servers of any fashion, but not linking the auction house outside of preserving existing auctions.

I am beginning to believe “go all in” means an exact copy of the server merges that occurred in retail… is this correct?

Mostly true, but in this instance, I’m talking about people who are against the idea of a merge because they don’t want to deal with the consequences of their realm having an altered population which inconveniences them (by narrowing the gap between populations), or being moved from a low population to a higher population server by force who would feel that the decision wasn’t in their best interests.

Naturally, the number of people playing on low pop servers by choice is not high.

If I had to boil it down to something, I’d go a layer above and blame the WoW realm model if anything. This was a design decision back sometime in early development of WoW, where characters were not able to freely move between realms.

Across all realms, logs show an estimated ~7% margin between horde and alliance globally. I know that there are implications to the social aspect of not binding yourself to a realm, but faction domination seems a bit less dramatic when you consider that figure, vs. being on a realm with 4 times as many Horde as Alliance, or vice-versa.

Sure, collapsing factions would remove imbalance - but it would also remove open world faction-based PvP, and not solve the problem of some servers (like the current Kromcrush) having virtually nobody on said server.

Horde vs horde killed The Burning Crusade for me and everyone I know, just let it die off slowly Wotlk will soon replace it.

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Fixing the economy is super easy.
One. Auction. House.

That is, for all servers(well on for each type, so PvP, PvE and so on) and multi-faction. That’s it.
You’re on a lowpop server? no problem. Your faction is dead on your server? no problem.
It’s a win-win situation all the way around.

I agree with the OP that for names, they should implement whatever they did for D2R, where you can have ppl with same names and no issues. That would be necessary in case of merges and in my suggestion of a mega auction house.

For the economy, prices would equalize after a few days/weeks. And both selling/buying wouldn’t be an issue anymore.


I’m not just replying to you Straws but in general. I don’t know that WotLK will fix anything. We’re still going to be left with mostly only one-sided mega servers where even the people on those servers flat out admit that there is basically no community due to too many people.

What people want is fast groups. Which they could get through Retail using the tools here. They want Retail with no daily power grinds. They don’t want to play TBC or WotLK or a Classic version of WoW. They want a soulless, zero community, and extremely boring version of the game where they can raid log and theory craft. They want Retail Lite.

I respect and empathize with Injectlysol for going to Thunderfury in an attempt to find a balanced realm with a medium pop where it maybe actually feels like the TBCC actually did and then having that have problems too.

Injectlysol if anyone tells you to stop talking about this ignore them. There are some nasty people on these forums who enjoy trolling.

I’ll be shocked if anything is really done at this point but hey if people want to give suggestions that’s fine.


Thanks man, that really made me feel like this post wasn’t completely worthless.


Once you remove the faction issues, you can merge servers and the problem is unlikely to persist though. Without solving the underlying issues, mergers won’t solve it long term.

I think it’s too late now. They waited too long to offer the free transfers. They should have been doing it over the summer but they wanted that transfer money. Given the choice between quitting or paying the money, a lot of people quit and they didn’t quit over the money. They quit because of Blizzard’s decision making and because of Blizzard’s silence.


Customer goodwill is all but gone blizzard needs to stop sacrificing quality for short term gains.


Exactly that. People I played with on Incendius aren’t even interested in the free transfers now. That bridge has been burned.

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#nochanges was a sarcastic response. I had no comment on it because the game always needed a better AH.

Yeah, I know. In retail blizzard has merged realms without actually merging realms resulting in people hating it because of the whole “cross-realm zone” thing. What I am saying by going “all in” is that Blizzard just commits to the whole Surname, Family name, last name things and actually allows for you to have that. Instead of restricting trade to those only within your “family” by giving you a realm name for it.

a.k.a full-on merges with an actual second naming system for people to keep their first name.

What? You said keeping them separate was key. I disagreed with that and said they needed to be merged. Going “all in” on it.

Sorry, I think you missed the sections I was trying to break that up in… it’s probably a combination of bad formatting and poor forum post writing style, but that was specifically in the “things to avoid” section.

I very strongly feel that the segregated auction houses and player trades was the worst part of retail merges.

edit: that whole section reads unclearly, and I will fix that.

Completely Agreed.

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