How to: Ruin a good pvp gearing system

some people think you should get 233 gear from mythic+ as well. despite it being significantly easier than getting high rating in pvp or getting ce. according to people who have done all of said things. shrug

To be fair, I’m not entirely against the idea of being able to obtain 226 outside of the weekly Vault for M+. I just don’t have a solution/idea for it.

I’ve no gauge of how difficult 18s/20s are, which seems to be the common request for 226 in M+.

Idk about 233 though, I’ve not really heard that commonly requested.

Relax it was ruined months ago when they gave it rating requirements to upgrade, and insisted it was to have +50 ilevel gap between noobs and hardcores.


Then why are so many wanting to keep the current gear system?

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And yet it’s super rare to even get gear from M+ in SL.

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Drop rates have nothing to do with my post.

It does, because if you can’t get the gear it doesn’t matter how high the iLvl is. Why do you think so many people are doing PvP for gear instead of raids or M+?

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It doesn’t. We get 226 via M+ outside of raiding. That’s a fact. Drop rates don’t negate that. Drop rates are a different discussion point.

Because folks go for the path of least resistance. I’ve done PvP gearin’ to fill my holes since BC.

I’m really not inclined to think this is going to matter much.

Does this kind of exacerbate the problem with grinding PvP ranks though? We’re already seeing this now but it’s very difficult to rank up in arenas when even people in the middle ranks are in full 226 PvP gear.

I think the vault for PvP rewards should probably level up with renown or something to make it possible to catch up.

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Uhhh what? M+ rewards 226 piece of gear, many of which I already possess on chars.

I would love to hear your rationalization about how this isn’t happening.

to some mythic+ people 226 isn’t good enough. they want 233s for every slot m denathrius drops.

PvP is not PvE.
PvE is not PvP.

PvP gear should be the best for PvP activities.
PvE gear should be the best for PvE activities.

PvP gear should be a very poor choice for PvE activities.
PvE gear should be a very poor choice for PvP activities.

If you want to do PvP, your progression is through PvP activities with PvP gear.
If you want to do PvE, your progression is through PvE activities with PvE gear.

You should not be able to keep up in top PvP activities with PvE gear.
You should not be able to keep up in top PvE activities with PvP gear.


idk its weird. the problem is not pvpers bringing their gear into pve. the problem is that the pvp gear is being gatekept by those who already have the rating.

w/e we’ll adapt and either love it or quit it :wink:

no this is not a good system, better than bfa or legion rng fest, sure, but just freaking give us 2 set of pvp gear,

  • no more boring ranks on gear
  • no more huge insane gear gasp between honor and conquest sets

there are also now 4 different tiers of gear. and pvpers don’t want it set at normal or heroic (obv) but they can’t just let you grind out an entire mythic raid level set the moment you ding max level for obvious reasons, either.

Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.

I pretty much hate PvP, but being able to go in and at least do epic BGs for a decent starter set of trinkets, weapons, and the things that won’t drop in the stingy PvE world is darn nice. Now it’s just wait for more weeks of vaults and that’s it.

Thanos… Is that you?

Forcing you to do pvp* is how it is right now, when pvp offered the best way of gear progression out of any content.

What this does is letting people choose what content they enjoy the best. You’re a pvp player that only cares about pvp? Great.

You’re a pve player that hates pvp and only cares about pve? Great.

You’re someone that enjoys doing both? Great.

You should have gone for the head. *snaps fingers*

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