How to report a character when you can't "click" their name!?

SoD: In 15-years I have never reported anyone, but I’d like to.

I’m honestly blown away that I’m unable to report someone for abuse without being able to “click” their name and report per the in-game help instructions and everything I’ve read online.

I have their name, this is such brutally stupid service. Blizzard FIGURE IT OUT.

Please let me know how to report someone for grief and abuse when they’ve blocked me and I can’t locate them in the world to “CLICK” them. My god.

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If you can’t see them and they’re not messaging you how are they griefing you?


They did then ignored me and ran into a raid. I logged out and the chat is gone.

Well if they ignored you then that solved that.
You should’ve reported them when you had the chance but now you can’t really do anything about it.

Except the disruption in play, abuse, and everything is logged and observable by Blizzard. And I have the character name, guild and server (obviously).
I would appreciate helpful comments rather than those that do no benefit to me or the community from you.

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Problem is its realy hard to track chat logs if its not reported immidiately chat logs dont last indeffinately.

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Which is precisely what information is collected at the time a report is made. It is far more expedient and helpful on the back end to do that because it includes a lot of data that consumers generally don’t take into consideration.

What you have is a good start, but the report also includes where and when it happened, and the specific chat line to take a look at, among various other metrics.

It is not currently possible to report chat violations outside of the game.


Actually, it would be helpful to have other options.

I recently joined a Yogg TW Raid skip to find the final Boss was already dead. The RL had just enough time to zone us in and get a few tips and leave before anyone realized it.
Unfortunately I was not paying attention so when I tried to scroll up in the chat log to target their name, it was already gone. They only spoke once before we zoned in so there wasn’t a recent chat in the logs from them.

It wasn’t a big deal, but still a dirty move and I would have really liked to report them.


Report the scam. Give as much information as you can. Blizzard might be able to identify who scammed you by tracing the gold. The link to report scams is in this article.


Thank you. I’m not concerned about a little bit of gold. It’s just the principle of it all.

I’ll remember to think of it as a Trade Scam in the future.

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