How to repair the Horde

Why should Blizzard change WoW to suit your wants?

Because i will keep complaining about it.

Okay? That didn’t answer the question.

Can you read sweety? When am I saying we never broke a treaty? Oh right I never said that but the fourth war was because of your dog. Because he wasnt leashed.

Can’t say I’m a fan of most of that, but I do like the idea of rebuilding UC. Right now, it feels like the Forsaken are like the Gnomes with a contaminated home city…


Uses word “Mental Gymnastics”. Doesn’t understand what it means.

Juuhachugou logic: Sweety your dog broke the peace treaty Looks at proof that Horde broke it earlier B-but…the war started in Legion because I say so.

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Oh simple , Surrender to the Alliance - done

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Pretty sure you dont understand what mental gymnastics mean. Genn goes on a war path with Sylvanas and you use. AU Orcs fleeing from Yrel as an excuse to justify his deeds to break a treaty in Legion. That my friend is mental gymnastics. LUL

Didn’t Syvlanus make a deal with Helya at that point, who is clearly against both the Horde and Alliance? I’d say she started to betray the Horde at that point, Genn clearly did the right thing stopping her plan.

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You Horde players really are lost aren’t you?

First you post this:

And then you say:

So according to Horde logic:

  • Genn broke a peace treaty
  • Anything before that can be discarded because its not relevant to that current treaty because Horde broke the MoP one. Where’s the proof there was a treaty in Legion after the Horde ran like cowards?
  • Conveniently makes up fanfiction to point fingers at Genn.

EDIT: Bonus:

  • Ignores how Genn realized the Forsaken are in fact good people. This happens BEFORE BFA in Before the Storm.

No he didnt. Sylvanas couldve had an endless supply of Valkyr if Genn didnt get involved. Making us stronger then ever against the Legion, against NZoth and against the Arbiter. But he had to ruin everything. And now we are in the current mess we’re in.

Don’t tell me you’re one of those that think what the Jailer/Sylvanus is doing is right? After what they’re doing to all the souls in the Maw? Yikes.

I take Sylvanas over the weak Horde council every day.

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Okay, you join her and Azeroth + everyone there dies. Now what?

Even after looking at that particular zone in the Maw which whites out your screen?

You literally see souls screaming in torment just because they were randomly killed.

That is a horrible way to look at things. No wonder the Horde has constantly destroyed itself.

Imagine if Blizzard actually wrote things realistically. The Horde would crumble before the Alliance, and their own machinations.

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If you believe Sylvanas would have used that power for the good of all - knowing now what her ultimate goal was - you really haven’t been paying attention.


Wrathion wanted Varian to combine the Horde as underlings to the Alliance or combine them in some way.

When Varian offered peace, that’s when all players knew the Alliance is like the kind older brother looking out for the brash immature Horde.

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Have you seen the current state of the Shadowlands? You get no choice where you go a big machine just tells you your destination with no way to reject or choose yourself.

Kyrian brainwashing people into compliance ensuring the system works.

Necrolords there is only death here, if you are weak you’ll become anima for a brainless ghoul to live.

Night Fae who when in drought start killing pretty much anyone as its deemed necessary.

Venthyr the goblins of anima. Extorting other realms and extorting anima from all those who go into their realm.

Youre blind if you dont see the broken system.

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I felt embarrassed because there was no way we were going to uphold that threat, and immediately after we were apparently at war again.