How to repair the Horde

It is no secret that the Horde is in a dire state. Ever since WoD Horde has been bleeding out- This begs the question about what needs to be done to get the Horde out of the mud. Here I made a list with some points about how to repair my faction. Alright let’s start.

  1. Get rid of the peace mongers. Baine and Thrall have always placed the wellbeing of the Alliance above that of the Horde. We need to get rid of them and replace them with others. In this case AU Grommash and Magatha Grimtotem.

  2. Rebellion. The Horde council needs to elect a leading figure, who can act as face and voice of the entire Horde. Somehow similar to the high king of the Alliance but of all that person would be picked by democratic vote.

  3. Getting new allies and strengthen the military. The Horde installs a conscription system which will gain the Horde a all time standing army. With alle the new allied races who chose to join the Horde it will be possible to conscript many ten thousands of soldiers to bolster the ranks of that new Horde army. If the Alliance attacks us again, we will be prepared.

  4. Recruit lore characters. Draka and Kael’thas are the perfect picks for this. In Shadowlands they will be spoken to by the Orc and Bloodelf leaders to recruit them to the Horde and that their people need them.

  5. Covenants. Since it is obvious in Shadowlands, that the two characters above will lead the Venthyr and Necrolords, those covenants will join the Horde and bolster their ranks even further. With these cosmic forces at the side of the Horde, we would finally have a counter measure against OP Characters like Tyrande and Jaina.

  6. Modernising. We will use the blue prints of Siegecrafter Blackfuse to get the weapon technology of the Horde to up to date levels. Battle mechs, Iron Stars, iron Juggernauts and robots will form a new army fully automated and to be sent against the Gnomish forces of the Alliance on an equal footing.

  7. time skip. After a time skip of 10 years the Horde will built heavy urbanizing and fortifications on the lands they currently own. New settlements form up everywhere and mark the Hrode territory under their rulership. This also greatly helps for immersion in the world of Azeroth and make the Horde zones feel more alive.

  8. The Forsaken. A new desolate council forms, made up of former Forsaken personalities. Gunther Arcanus, the black bride, Grand executor Mortuus, Belmont, Velonara and Apothecary Faranell just to name a new. Additional to that. Undercity will be rebuilt and used as necropolis that flies above the fully built up Andorhal in a stationary position. This way the Forsaken will always be in full observation of Lordaeron.

with this solid foundation it will be truly a faction that is on equal footing with the Alliance. I am grateful for any ideads down in the comments. Feel free to react to my suggestion.


This alone is the reason why the Horde “just has to find out what they truly are”.

For once start being peacemongers and you will find your Horde saves itself.


I will never accept peace with the Alliance. They are my enemy and deserve to die full time.


Welp time to keep fighting within yourselves then.

Random “Me see red me point and shoot” is what got your faction into this mess in the first place.


The horde needs more spotlight on Magrok.


Ditto. If I could go back in time I would slap King Terenas upside the head for keeping those green hunchbacks alive instead of just killing them like everyone else wanted to do.


No friend. No more hate. Make peace and lovecraft! :cherry_blossom:

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That logic doesn’t work here.

If Horde kill, they are a misunderstood family who are underdogs.

If the Alliance even retaliate they are the manifestation of evil.

Bonus points for hating on people who are trying to solve the chain of hatred to get some cool kid edgy points.


I’m sorry, are you trying to save the Horde or turn it into the monster of the week… again?


There will be no peace until Alliance is wiped from existence. They have wronged the Horde races more then enough. Loktar!

2 days 2 early

Long winded troll post on a Friday? -10/10

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More like Look let’s lay tar on the road.

Thrall and Baine and even Lorthemar are wise leaders. Listen to them.


They are no leaders of mine. They will be replaced with war hawks who will kick the alliance where it hurts the most.

The Horde wouldn’t exist if the Alliance just killed the orcs after the second war like everyone bar King Terenas wanted to do. They should have just ignored him and went through with the plan and hunted the rest of the Orcs down and killed them all off.

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Good so you love getting your leaders turned into Raid Bosses. Thank you for…confirming that?

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My ideal leadership would look like this.

Orcs: All the AU warlords
Trolls: Jindo the Breaker
Tauren: Magatha Grimtotem.
Blood elves: Kael’thas
Goblins: Gallywix
Undead: Sylvanas
Pandaren: Chen Stormstout
Nightborne: Grand Magistrix Elisande
Zandalari: Rastakhan
Maghar: Same as Orcs
Highmountain Tauren: That drogbar king.


Can’t help but agree with this.

The Horde has become too much like the Alliance since it’s inception and the concept of the ‘bad guy’ is basically all but gone.

I’m sure you see a strength in how the original Horde operated, yes they did horrendous things (who would kill nearly 80% of living Draenei on a planet :confused: Draenei are awesome) but they were incredibly successful.

They brought Azeroth to her knees but were good-guy’d for the intents of making a plot for Warcraft 3. The forsaken showed potential for being genuinely playable bad guys but even their NPC dialogue changed as soon as the burning crusade.

A return to form with them upholding their conquests and wanting more would make the Horde something special again.


I only follow our true leader. Down with the Alliance, down with the council. Death to all who oppose us.

All hail Sylvanas.


Pathetic choices

Why not let the Jailer take over and you guys can build a Slaughterhouse after destroying Dustgrimmar?

Why not join the jailer and Sylvanas lol.

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