How to repair the Horde

I would legit join a Maw covenant If Blizzard gave us that choice no lies.

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Blizzard can start a official Horde only “Choose your next Raid Boss” poll every patch exclusive story choice feature for Horde players. They can finally choose who goes evil than say “Hey it’s Blizzard who chose to make him or her raid boss”.

Don’t worry, ever since BfA, mass numbers of Alliance have been migrating to Horde.

Probably should’ve been prepared when we were the ones who started the last war.

Garona, Rexxar, etc.: “What are we, chopped liver?”

The Covenants of the Shadowlands won’t be joining either of the insipid lunkhead factions of Azeroth.

Bilgewater Cartel goblins: “We get no respect around here.”

And with Calia Menethil reigning, enjoy.


I would if I could. But Blizzard is like those people that make choices for us. Everything I do is choosen for me I cant even choose who I…

Sylvanas and the jailer will break us free from this cycle.

You already have one. Don’t do story content and keep going into the maw and run into mobs headfirst shouting “For the Jailer!”.

Bonus points for not repairing any gear

I love the way he thinks BFA started because the Alliance burnt Orgrimmar or something.


The war started when Genn attacked Sylvanas in Stormheim.

Dark Lady watch over us.

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Funny how you forgot the Horde broke the peace treaty back in Ashran. Genn just joined in.

In b4 you deny that and say “Its not canon” :rofl:

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Ashran just exist for PvP reasons.

“Tralalallalala I can’t hear you because my flimsy Genn attacked my Waifu argument got destroyed”.


So when did the Alliance invade the Horde’s home planet and started slaughtering them? I’ll wait.

I love this idea, but only because I want a flying ziggurat. All the other stuff… Meh.

  1. Murder Baine.

So it’s not about being Horde, you just want to play as the bad guy. Am I getting that correct?

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“Da Horde be a family. We be misunderstood mon. We just wanna murder da living but still be considered da nice guys because dat be not my Horde Takes off shoulders”

AU Draenor. Purged the entire native population they had to flee to Azeroth and join us in Legion.

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Yrel is not part of the Alliance.

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So you’re confirming the Horde started the “War” in AU Draenor because it’s the Horde’s “Home Planet” and what Genn did was right.


You gotta learn Horde terms:

  • Arthas is the Alliance but Garrosh is not the Horde
  • Garithos is the Alliance but Sylvanas is not the Horde

You gotta be prepared mon!

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What kind of mental gymnastics is this lmao.

Genn broke a peace treaty after one was made to fight the Legion together. Anything before that can be discarded because its not relevant to that current treaty in time. Sorry your lil house pet started all this get over it.


I will not stop my fight until i get the Horde the way i want it to be.

Uses word “Mental Gymnastics”. Doesn’t understand what it means. LMAO

Pandaria: Peace Treaty Formed

WoD: Horde breaks peace treaty by attacking Alliance even when Alliance claim “oi we’re collecting relics I thought we had a peace treaty you mongrels” and Horde say “Lmao I just wanna kill Alliance and we cannot give you relics”

Is that silence I hear?

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