How to put in a ticket for my issue?

I was flagged for a name change on my hunter named Bootyhunter for breaking the code of conduct. I highly argue the fact that “booty” is something against the terms of service, but it is what it is.

However I’m very concerned that I have a ton of characters with this naming convention. I’ve asked what I should do about all of these other characters and I got the useless reply of the following:

“Please keep in note that our penalty system do stack each time, any future violation may end up with more severe penalty and even permanent account closure. Please do think twice to prevent this from happening again in the future and we won’t discuss about this issue any further.”

Then my ticket was closed. What the heck am I supposed to do here? Do I have to pay for a huge chunk of name changes because someone had their feelings hurt?

You can open a ticket and self report the names, that should if I recall get them flagged for changes.


I would just be giving myself the stacking ban though, no?

Self reports tend to be looked at differently. They see that you are trying to correct the problem and are being proactive in correcting the issue at hand


First, it is extremely unlikely that anyone had their feelings hurt. Other players notes your character’s name and felt it was inappropriate so reported it. It was reviewed and we had agreed so the name was changed.

Yes, technically speaking “booty” can also mean treasure, but that doesn’t seem to be the definition you go with based on the character names I’m seeing.

To self report you can use the Appeal a Name Change ticket, but I would avoid protesting your original name change, otherwise you are liable to receive a message about that and not anything else. Focus on the fact that you have multiple similar names and you’d like to be proactive in changing them.


Booty with an identifier of the class/race of some sort (hunter/hunter, locks/warlock, totems/shaman, rocks/earthen, master/brewmaster etc.), can’t imagine that’s a huge deal. I don’t see what is offensive with the word booty in itself.

Your judgment on what something means is up to you I suppose. Many words can be interpreted in many ways. By your logic I could consider “Booty Bay” to be offensive, because while it could mean something specific, I personally find it offensive based on my interpretation.

I suppose I’m frustrated because I’ve had this naming convention for years and now because someone finds it “offensive” I lose my in-game identity. Additionally I don’t even know what is considered the issue. Is it Booty that is the problem, or is it specifically it being attached to “hunter”?

I’m not the judge here, I was just stating what I see and outside of “hunter” I wouldn’t normally associate any of the name combinations with the treasure definition.

Again, it doesn’t necessarily have to be “offensive” to be considered inappropriate for a name.


Something static, such as a location or NPC name, is governed by different rules (ESRB/PEGI), than something created by players outside that static space (Bliz behavioral policies).


It’s unfortunate to lose your in-game identity like that. I assume everyone is interpreting the term booty to be butt. Of all the references to that part, I suspect booty would be the mildest… maybe heiney would be milder? Anyway, I know a player with a character named Bigfatbooty (a great big tauren chick). There’s no question on the interpretation there. I think in light of this thread, I may recommend a self-report of that name. So thanks, Bootylocks, for posting about your experience, since it may save a friend from a future suspension… and sorry for your loss. :cry:


I wish my server was a bit more reactive to inappropriate names. Some of them are flat out ridiculous. Yes, it can only take one report, but I think 1 report keeps it so low on the list it may as well not be a report much of the time (personal speculation). I could give some pretty obvious examples. Some are grey areas, I don’t re-report those if I see them. But the blatant ones, I do re-report when I see them.

I would avoid trying to give work arounds that could get them into more trouble players should either a stick to ingame name generator or use a fantasy name generator. Yes im aware the ingame generator can sometimes give a bad name but its rare.

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It falls under references to inappropriate body parts or functions. All Blizzard games and services follow the same code of conduct. The best place to find the details for it is the Forum Code of Conduct were they actually have some examples of specific language we can’t use. The same language we can’t use on the forums is the same language we can’t use in-game.

I am sure you are familiar with this

Obscene / Vulgar

This category includes both clear and masked language in posts, signatures, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Are an inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions
  • Are pornographic in nature

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

While these repercussions may seem harsh, we feel very strongly that this behavior has no place on the forums due to its extremely offensive and inappropriate nature.

And this

Inappropriate Language

This category includes language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Are a mildly inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions
  • Are otherwise considered objectionable
  • Bypass the Mature Language filter

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity