How to prep for your first raid

I think you’re putting words in my mouth. I never said it was the mechanic. I just said it was a mechanic that frustrated me as a healer.

Not trying to put words in your mouth… just that I wasn’t even talking about that and you answered my question and it appeared that that was the mechanic I was referring to. I was asking people what to do on a Firelord. Maybe I should have been more specific but the lava spawns is always the first thing that comes to mind. If those don’t die asap they multiply and thats an insta wipe.

Killing spawns isn’t the only mechanic. But I digress.

I think you missed the point I was trying to make. I understand what you are saying. HOWEVER, that is not what I am saying… you took what I was saying in a different direction and I had no idea. I NEVER imply anything here because its all text.

You can survive firelords with that debuff. If EVERYONE does not get on the spawns AS SOON AS THEY SPAWN. its a wipe. And not everyone will know/remember that. My point was that this is going to cause a lot of guilds who think they are going to oneshot everything to wipe. They don’t even know it yet.

I understand what you are saying. It’s my fault, I should have been more clear with what I was referencing. Whatever.

I would say the well prepared will have the following.

  • At least one water from the Hydraxian Waterlords. You need several to douse the runes on the way to Ragnaros.

  • Quest chains from the Hydraxian Waterlords. It would be ideal to already be on the quest chain for the hands and all that.

  • Some Fire Resist gear. As much as you can possibly get if tanking, around ~150 FR if not.

  • Know the boss fights and what your role is on them. If you are a Mage, your contribution on Lucifron will be to decurse and it is far more important than your personal DPS for example.

  • Bring food buffs, elixirs and potions. I don’t think a first raid should bring more expensive flasks and consumables. You certainly can but I would not call it required.

  • Come with an honest try at the best gear you could get. The closer you can be to your pre-raid BiS the better things will go.

So if you have a brand new lvl 60, is it best to gear up a bit before going in to heal?

Gear and more gear, most of you Pre Raid BiS should be on especially if Tanking. You should have max professions, Gold and consumables.

What about healers and DPS?

Its 8 aqual quintessence. One for each boss leading up to domo and each player can only carry one.

As a mage, might want to “change” out of wand spec, sure its fun on the way up to 60 and on paper is a “good idea” But I know a guy who was able to pull agro cause of it ~wink~

But for everyone else and to include the mage…

Day one level one, Be the kind of player folks want to party/group/raid with…
Help those you can and be grateful.

Exactly, that’s why I recommend folks grind up the rep/jump point to be able to pack 1 water into MC. Makes it so much easier.

Okay so raiding in classic is rather simple:

  1. Hit 60
  2. Go into raid
  3. ???
  4. Get purps
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Me too.

I’d say, be on time, have pots et al, know the fights, have a threat meter.

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