Ohh man I can’t wait for the shock on peoples faces when they don’t.
This goes a long way.
Farm your pre-bis from the dungeons. Pretty much it. And I guess mana potions.
Actually you will need certain addons depending on your class. Threat meter probably and raid frames if you’re a healer.
Oh that’s a great reminder!
To everyone who thinks they can oneshot everything in MC. What do you do on a Firelord? And think about having the 39 other people all doing that mechanic correctly the first time after not playing classic before OR not playing classic in 10+ years. Not every single guild on every single server is going to be hardcore and oneshot everything. People think they will be but the amount of people who actually will is low.
If you don’t know what to do on a firelord you aren’t making it to the first boss without at least one wipe.
I’m not sure there was much one shorting in Classic.
Had there been, I’m not sure the private servers would have ever become a thing. Classic was much harder, and that’s one of the things we all loved about it.
Yes. I agree. Plus, people forget just because THEY know what to do doesn’t mean everyone else in the raid will or will get it right the first time. That’s why I’m moving to classic with my pserver guild. We have been practicing for months.
If you don’t know that you kill adds when they spawn in WoW by the time you get to level 60, it’s not the difficulty of the raid that’s wiping you.
How many firelords do you kill leveling up? Raids have different mechanics. Also, not everyone is as good as you may be. Its not the fact that YOU Know what to do. its getting 39 other people who also know and can perform every time. I promise there will be people in every raid who forgot certain mechanics. Just because its “easy” doesn’t mean people can face roll it. Mechanics are everything.
Also, I hope people have enough warlocks for garr or you’re gonna have a great time trying to tank them the first time without raid gear.
One of the reasons I’m going priest. I hated not being able to dispel magic back in vanilla.
The biggest mechanic on a firelord has nothing to do with dispelling magic. However, every raid needs a good dispeller… sure makes luci easier.
I mean, if you want caster DPS to be able to kill the spawn, they can’t be silenced. It’s not the biggest, but the silence debuff lasts longer than the cooldown on the ability itself.
caster dps shouldn’t ever be close enough to be silenced on a firelord.
Its never been an issue before. Does that say it casts it on every single member? because in MC last night it wasn’t an issue and it hasn’t been for a long time. Also, if its an instant cast silence how can you dispel it anyways?
I like to farm up a dungeon blue set or equivalent piece-mail before I step up for raids. You can get away with a couple sub-par items. Though if you’re a melee, or hunter you wanna make sure you have a halfway decent weapon.
On what? BFA or a private server? And as far as I remember, it was on several random targets within 40 yards. It’s not the whole raid.
Even then… thats not the mechanic that matters. Killing the lava spawns asap is what matters. I play rogue so maybe thats an issue for healers to deal with. If you don’t kill those lava spawns no amount of despells is gonna save you. The problem isn’t despells… its everyone switching to the lava spawns as soon as they spawn. That’s what wipes people.
This is how I’m going to advertise myself when I hit 60. “Who needs a warm body for their raid!?”