How to prep for your first raid

What do you feel is important in preparing for your first (or initial reintroduction to) Classic raids?

What should Tanks, Healers and DPS be prepared for?

What consumables are must haves?

Which raid is your favorite.


IMO, coming from a noob-raider only: know the mechanics of the boss fight / instance before going in.


I’d go with being on time. That’s probably the biggest challenge in raid at level 60, is getting all 40 people into the instance.

And treat Onyxia like every other dragon. If you’re not tanking, stay away from the head, and EVERYONE stay away from the tail.


Ohhhh yes! Hate it when 1/2 the guild is late!!

I read the title as how to prep for first aid. I was like, save all the cloth?

:pill: :rescue_worker_helmet:



Lmao! Omg that’s adorable!! I heart your answer!!!

bandages Fateweaver

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Just learn the boss mechanics. You don’t need anything else.

You don’t trust me ? Just check : _

It’s a video list from the world first of Vanilla for each boss.
You can cleary see that they are not optimized at all on some video but they killed them anyway : no consumable/no raid addons/bad rotation/no world buff…

And they did it. The boss are in theirs respective patchs which mean : harder than in the 1.12 version we gonna have.


If you have dispels get a better raid Frame.

If your DPS with de-curse, Dont be the one that keeps DPS for a parse while people suffer from the curse.

MC is dull and boring, but pay attention to the fights. Being the person with the bomb and wiping the raid usually not the best thing. If you are going to screw around, atleast wait until everyone is friendly and will laugh it off for the most part.

Bring more regents than you think you need for your first raid. This includes bullets/arrows.

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Ask your raid team/ guild leaders what is expected of you. They are the ones who will set you up for success.


Molten Core was not hard. We know all its secrets. It was beatable with meme specs, no consumables, keyboard turning, the works.

Onyxia’s the same thing. Just don’t be dumb.

BWL at least has a gear check with Vael.

AQ40 is when things start to get a little more serious. And you need your big boy britches for Naxx. All are doable, and you don’t even need to necessarily be 100% gameface to beat them either. Only if you’re pushing for world firsts or speed clears.

But for Molten Core, which will be most people’s first raid (since you do have gear progression through each raid starting from MC unless you’re carried), just make sure you’re doing dungeons to get the required gear, bring some consumables to pump up your numbers a bit, and learn the mechanics. You’ll be fine.

And 40 is a lot of people. Some raids are just gonna be looking for warm bodies.

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Step 1 Find guild.

Without step 1 you will not raid


Show up early. I’d rather wait on people than be the person that everyone else is waiting on so we can start. While waiting for others go potty. I don’t want to have to take a break 10 minutes into the raid.

If there is a boss we are fighting that I haven’t fought before, or don’t remember the mechanics of I am going to look it up to get a basic idea of how the fight works.

I will have some consumables in order to allow me to do the best I can for my guild.

Be prepared to have a blast! I don’t want to be the negative whiney one. Wiping can be fun too so just have fun with it and everyone. Make fun of the whiney guy a bit.

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As well as keeping them on your roster.
I think this time around there might be a higher percentage of people jumping into the raid scene.

Much of the journey, the WoW experience, the mystery, the distractions, that once claimed so much time from players, is gone or lessened.
More players who are inclined towards experiencing at least MC will do so, imo.

I think there will be a larger, mobile, active group of raiders who eventually will be susceptible to poaching, causing both guild growth and decline.

Players might be more knowlegeable today, but consistenly putting enough bodies into your guild’s 40 man team will be just as challenging.

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So finding my way to the right raid isn’t enough? I didn’t really make plans after that.

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That’s already fixed. The game, long as nothing gets changed on us from the beta, is going to use the modern raid frames, that can easily be set to only show the debuffs you care about, instead of the monstrosity that took up your entire screen back at 60.

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I guess this is my prefrence bleeding though but i personally dont like the in game options compared to what you can do with mods.

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Well addons are always going to push to improve on what you can do in-game, otherwise nobody would use them.


-Be in or near Kargath/brm (whatever the rally point is) at the appropriate time, if I have to summon you, I’m dropping you into the lava.

-Be attuned

-edit be repaired

-edit have reagents for your spells, ahnks, poisons, ammo, pet food, soul shards, etc

-if you don’t know the fights, ASK.

-if you are on alcohol or weed please refrain from telling the raid multiple times about how much alcohol or weed you have consumed. No one cares.

-related to the above, follow your guild’s rules about shutting up in voice and clearing chat from non relevant information at the appropriate times so that fights can be explained.

-being resist gear if applicable

-bring essences of you can (mc)

Beyond those things I don’t personally think consumables are really required for mc or ony and I’ll be shocked if most guilds can’t full clear every boss they can reach without them. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if a number of guilds just 1 shot every boss of p1


You say that… but even on pservers people fail to clear MC with meme specs. When was the last time you cleared MC with a raid full of meme specs?


Let’s not get it twisted. I didn’t say ALL memespecs but the fact that they didn’t give too much thought to class competition and didn’t min/max down to the wire.

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