How to populate the empty cities

org is a depressing city but my city is currently on fire it’s very uipsetititittity.

I second that. Silvermoon is pretty gorgeous, and so much potential can still be had there!

It deserves a revamp and a troll section.

Easy-just have babies or implement Joe Biden’s border policies.

That’s well and good for someone rich enough to afford a five million gold mount that’s not very easily obtainable any more, or for characters that have the engineering profession, and/or are willing to deal with long cool-downs of at least a half hour. Most people use their bank every day, not “twice a year”…especially if they have crafting/cooking professions.

Unless, of course, the dragon is already living in your mountain like in LotR. Then it just busts out the side and you have a massive clean up. Also, kind of makes it hard to live there when you have a freeloading dragon just sitting on piles of cash.:dragon: :coin:

you must be new here… once upon a time there was portals to virtually every main city and area of importance… but Blizzard removed them back in 8.1.5…

this was blizzard’s dumb reasoning:

These are the portals that have been removed from various locations:

Dalaran (Legion)

  • Ironforge/Thunder Bluff
  • Darnassus/Undercity
  • Caverns of Time
  • Dalaran Crater
  • Karazhan
  • The Exodar/Silvermoon City
  • Shattrath
  • Wyrmrest Temple
  • Vale of the Eternal Blossoms

Shrine of the Seven Stars/Two Moons

  • Shattrath
  • Dalaran (Northrend)

Dalaran (Northrend)

  • Caverns of Time


  • Hellfire Peninsula


  • And if Blizzard’s stance of portals didn’t change, i’m sure Oribos would have had a full fledged portal room as well like virtually every expansion prior, rather than an additional completely useless area within it.

Rather than making the world feel more alive… imo, it made the world dead, because before personally I would often travel to locations such as Dalaran, Shrine of Seven Stars, even the Exodar because there was a convenient portal that made traveling to these various locations quick and easy, for when I needed to do stuff, such as use a bank, auction house, or whatever… but since the portals are gone, I just stay put in one area (just the current expansion main city) as it’s way too inconvenient and time consuming to travel to another city these days.

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Double the npc’s. But give them AI like islands and comp stomp so they walk around talking to each other, using the bank and ah, practicing on target dummies, etc. Because face it. Until every city gets a portal room we aren’t going there unless we have a specific reason.

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They would have to create mega servers so the world does not feel empty. I’d like to chill in lordaeron rather than Org.

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The cities are empty because all players are funneled into Orgrimmar or Stormwind, with massive CRZ’s to make it look busy.

And in fact they are as busy as they were back during wod, when those cities were single realm. That’s how much the population has fallen.

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how do you typo a number when you spell it out.

s i x is not anywhere near f i v e. well except the “i”.

I love Ironforge. Nowadays though it is gigantic, echo filled and lonely. It is depressing to be there by yourself.