How to Make Ret Fun (IMO) and ALL CLASSES

What was the most fun Ret Spec? LK.

I love the changes with crusader strike being aoe super fun!! The ONLY change I would make to ret for me is to reduce the haste of divine storm x3. And increase its damage x3.

The game nowdays is about apm and it doesnt feeling rewarding which is why people post “is ret boring?”

Having fewer divine storms and one big DIVVVVINNNEE STORMMMM was so much more fun back in the day. I mean scale it how you want for pvp IDC. But for PVE thats the fun factor. Now days hitting divine storm 3x per second just feels rubbish, I hate it.

I feel the same should be reworked with all classes. All classes should have something thats FUN to press like damn!! watch things blow up. instead of hitting scourge strike 15x per second to get your sores to blow up.

The average age of the gamers is older. and having 148 apm to play a class is just getting stupid. Thats why people prefer BM/ Rets etc because our arthritus fingers just cannot keep up anymore!!!

Like chill with the apm and having more meaning. It’s more rewarding. I am sure glacial spike mages would agree. I think the reason its this way now is to balance one shots in pvp. But it just doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel good in PVE all classes, and in PVP getting 1-shot didnt feel great either. But do you know what did feel great? 1 shotting people. If your the giver, you’d leave your desk with a big smile.

Now the point of games isn’t to balance them. The reward i.e. Dead by Daylight is to have some level of unbalance. If your a survivor main the old dead hard was SO FUN. Ever since then its a boring game. So how would you fix the 1-shot mechanic? Simple! Resilence. And lower HPS. You aren’t 1 shot in pvp but its harder to recover from big bursts. Also I think its more fun for players in general in the lower bracket to have GO’s. Because its like who can G.O. first without dying. At higher levels its now its just a 30 minute attrition of slow painful deaths unless you run something organised.

Now before we get off topic to much. Please consider the goal of this post - slowing the game down. Having more meaning with our BIG SPELLS. Thats it. That’s all I am wishing for.


Many people will beg to differ.

I don’t know that it need to be slowed down?
At least that’s not really where all the market oriented itself.
Maybe some specs are overly spammy but that’s also a gameplay style/option.

Many spec should take inspiration with Ret rework however.

I think there’s merit in what you’re saying but I’d argue it’s something to look at on a case by case basis rather than applied to the whole game.

In what sense? Making everything autoproc?

Dumbing down the rotation? Turning it into a 200apm spammy spec?

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No thanks, I like the high APM gameplay, it’s not even that high anyway.

What I would like to see for ret is seraphim back, not necessarily the ability but at least the proc on art of war, there was no reason to remove that, I could understand disliking the ability itself, but the passive proc on art of war which happens by itself? No.

Better capstones on the far left and right sides of the tree, just way too boring, literally % damage modifier capstones, there are some very weird mid tree talents too. Like 3 extra seconds on crusade\wrath, just why does this even exist? Make it baseline and put something else in.

Then I would like to see exorcism back but it’s not an extra button, just make it so art of war has a 50,35,25% whatever is balanced, just don’t make it too low. Chance to proc exorcism instead of boj, and replace your next cast of boj with exorcism. Exorcism will deal more damage than boj and generate an extra holy power.

Then to balance out holy power gen a little, make double boj baseline, now you only choose 2 holy power, judgement is back at 1 HP only, and add back the shadowlands divine toll conduit, but maybe just make it a guaranteed proc.

And that’s pretty much it for me.

The rest is fine.

Which is funny,
Yea, Ret is legit middle of road of APm actually, based off logs its about 56-57 for each hero spec respectively, really not that bad compared to some other big yikes sweaty APM specs.

I find personally a big issue with Rets kit and rotation for Ret is that they feel like they lack some heavy CD abilities… they have a lot of great short CD abilities, but no “big things” .

Nice capstones would be nice, and seraphim would be nice to have back.

I mostly play Hpal. which i’ve had a lot of gripes lately with how they’re handling it. I love the concept of a melee healer (former AOR/RoR player)… but i feel like at times their toolkit and design keeps pushing them with a weird amalgamation of casting too much, or punishing melee heals/not being strong enough.

I think one thing i’d like to see for Ret is pretty much what you said- some nice capstones, something memorable, and maybe a nice big chonky CD.

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Yea honestly, it’s just kinda ridiculous to talk about “high APM problem” and aging player base, like come on, you can’t press a key bind each second? It’s ridiculous.

Unless you have arthritis or you’re literally 90, there are no excuses it’s just not a believable argument

Overall I would rate ret as good, with the potential to be great if they added and fixed a few things

I disagree with this statement. Most paladins wanted gone because it felt like it was up too much and became a maintenence buff, and with the mechanics to get it up, it felt like we where another flavor of rogues.

We need something new and unique to us, not seraphim.

We hated it because Wings and Seraphim were both on the GCD and you needed HP to use Seraphim so you spent the first 6ish seconds of combat setting up your burst.


while a legitimate complaint, it was not the most common.

I mean, it wasn’t a maintenance buff it was just clunky. Inquisition was a maintenance buff and that ability can stay dead forever. If Seraphim came back with the inclusion of Radiant Glory it wouldn’t be as bad to use. I’d even welcome it at this point.

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seraphim had to be up 80% of the time before it was removed, it pretty much was a maintenence buff. Without it at the time ret’s hit like wet noodles.

It had a 45 second cool down and like 15 second duration, you can’t have 80% uptime.

Alright, I had to dig through my old 2023 logs and I do have like 40ish% uptime because it used to proc from Wake for 2(?) seconds.

Edit: Maybe 55%. I found a much better parse.

if you treated seraphim as a maintence buff then you were 100% playing wrong

i didnt want to even comment on this thread but man i couldnt let that misinfo fly

seraphim from sl tier set became more of a maintence buff. but even then if you think 55% uptime is maintence then rG is more than a maintence buff.

in sl you can actually untalent the seraphim talent andrely on art of war procs

As a former DH player, you really really don’t want them to change spells to be “more meaningful”. The current ret paladin is the most fun I’ve had on the class in a very long time.

It’s not convoluted. It’s not a 20 button sequence to get started. It looks good. And has answers to problems.

Havoc DH originally had that - blade dance had dodge, blur was stronger and the dps rotation was simple. Then people complained it wasn’t “meaningful” enough and now the whole class, both specs are a dumpster fire.

So no, ret paladin does not need fixing. It’s in a really good place right now.


That was it for me.
Hated the feeling of “getting behind” on HP because I had to use it.
I get it was 1 step back and 2 step forward but it felt horrible.

Plus everything was on different CD, wake was on 45, Seraph was on 45, FR on a 1min, AW on 2 min.

I wouldn’t have minded Seraphim as a AW option with the cost removed, instead of Crusade…

All they have to do for Seraphim was to make sure you need to have at least 3 Holy Power before it lights up on ur bar but does not actually consume it.

ret absolutely needs fixing, its only nice due to damage tuning but theres deep issues that are being ignored cause people are hyper focused on radiant glory

Ret is fine. Being a hater doesnt make your thoughts valid, it makes them annoying.

Sorry where did I “hate” in there?

He might have quoted the wrong person.

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