How to make friends in World of Warcraft?

Thats like what females do lol

How I made all my friends:

Be toxic. If they don’t get instantly offended and sad = F R E N.

I can’t befriend thin-skinned crybabies.

But I think that is kinda of a cultural thing. Brazillians often bond by the power of the “HueHueBr”.

My community friends invited me because after 1 or 2 runs as strangers, I noted openly in chat that they were one of the most pleasant but also skilled groups of players I’ve played with and that it was really fun. Then someone sent me a community link and now we do runs pretty often. Usually about 15+ people on at peak times sometimes more. Good range of players too, from people who stick to 2-10 range and then some who push 15-25s, yet they’re all nice. Got lucky I suppose :slight_smile:

Sometimes just honestly commenting that it was fun and giving a compliment here and there (legit ones, not fake ones ofc) can make you also seem like a fun and kind person and then others will want to play with you again.

Made my friends from questing content as a healer and they needed those heals. But prey that an expansion will not make you lose those friends like BFA did for me and my friends.

Here for almost the same reason. Friend passed so been playing alone want to go with people but my Guild is almost always inactive :joy: turns out I should try doing Dungeons with others ig stop solo running them.