How to make friends in World of Warcraft?

I’m really interested in some ways you have found your friends/buddies in World of Warcraft

Like many, we all struggle to make friends because A.) It’s scary, believe me.
B.) We all want to be accepted.
C.) It can be a hassle to find someone that you would like to chat/talk to that I guess “gets you” or “clicks” with you.

I’ve been playing the game for quite some time now and I just came back. Most of my friends have logged off for some time now and probably won’t ever come back. It’s a struggle to find friends. I was curious what are some good ways to find a good friend on World of Warcraft?
Thanks In advance, I’m looking forward to finding friends. :grin:
And better yet I’ll drop my btag here Scrib#1966


Almost all the WoW friends I’ve made are people I fooled around with in dungeons. Unfortunately, it’s really easy to just not talk to them ever again after adding them. I wish you luck.


Honestly no clue :dracthyr_shrug:


i ran a bunch of dungeons. if i enjoyed playing with one or more members of the group, i put my btag in chat and said i’d be happy to play with them again.

i found some cool streamers i enjoy hanging out with and play with both them and people I’ve met in their streams.

i’ve met some pals here on the forums and on discord.

get out there and try!


When I started the game, I had a real life friend who let me join his and his friends guild. I eventually moved to another server on my own and joined a random guild that was just recruiting random people. This was in TBC.

I made friends there, one guy in particular who helped me get my warlock mount (this was still kinda hard, especially for a noob, in TBC) and I followed him around for like, ever. He eventually quit WoW for real life, but I had made other friends in our guild and some of those people I still talk to today.

I also have made friends with people on the forums, and every now and then we run old raids or do this and that but I talk to them almost every day.

But to sum it up: Just finding a social guild, or accepting random invites until you find a good guild, and speaking up and saying hello and “yeah I’ll run a dungeon” helps make friends very easily.

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Join their discord and pretend everything they say is the wittiest, most hilarious and brillant stuff youve ever heard.


Hi there!
I too am in this same boat. I started playing years ago with family and recently got back into it. The guild I’m currently in is dying and I have no active friends playing anymore
I enjoy to mount grind/rep grind especially on older stuff, so if you enjoy a chill friend who will join in some shenanigans, then count me in!
Here’s my btag: AJSickness#2804

The best answer is to find people that enjoy doing the same things as you…and then do that activity together.

For example, if you like to run M+s and find someone you enjoy running with, invite them to come to dungeons with you.

It’s also easier to make friends if you play a tank or healer because then people will want to run with you.

join a guild that does something together.

I met most mine through pugging keys.

hmm… reading these comments I just have to say that looking for a “social guild” never worked for me but what did work is what abelak said: try to find an objective focused guild. a lot of times you will find that people in these objective-focused guilds aren’t there to be your friend but the pool of players is much larger and more cohesive and provides you the opportunity to start meeting people outside of event night. groups of friends that need a fifth to fill out the group are more likely to stick around longer and you can find them the same way you meet any new person. just talk to people, with a common interest and invite them and accept being invited.

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I just act like myself and if people don’t want to be around me or it doesn’t jive with their group then it ain’t gonna work out at all.

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Stay positive. Help people out. Teach people how to play.

Feel angry when something bad happens? Keep those negative comments out of open chat.

Yesterday, I tried to help out a tank on a trinket by going tank loots on my warrior. Sadly it didn’t drop.

Careful with the teaching part. I never do that unlesss asked. That would be considered insulting by a great many people. Pride is not a rare thing. I personally love to know what I’m doing wrong and to be told. To persist in error is folly. I was wondering why my shaman wasn’t pulling great numbers in M+ and a guildie told me it’s because cloak of the wind speaker is single target and that deep elements would perform much better there. He was right.

When I was leveling a toon. Saw an arcane mage pulling low numbers on a dungeon. Its clearly a new player. Taught that guy what to do. Doing significantly more damage after that.

Did you tell him to spam missiles? That really does do better dps than the usual mage rotation until a certain level. Until arcane gets touch of the magi, arcane blasting is pretty impotent.

LOL. Definitely not. Level 45 dungeon.

Oh yeah in that case the standard rotation applies. Good job. You should go to the embassy and join the Guide program if you’re eligible. I think you need ten thousand achievement points and BFA pathfinder to qualify. I am much much more qualified than that bare minimum so I always serve as a Guide. You get put into Newcomer Chat. Marked as a guide. New players are marked as little murlocs. Both in chat and above their heads. And you help them as they need at your convenience.

Mostly I joined a guild and just met people

I’m painfully shy IRL, I weirdly enough find it significantly easier to make friends in WoW.

My closest friends in WoW are my IRL friend, a mutual friend (with a backstory) and IRL friend’s partner.

The story behind the mutual friend, who I now hang out with and run keys with regularly, is that she met my IRL friend, heard of me and thought we actually knew each other prior. We didn’t, but now we’re pretty close. I’ve made a lot of friends through her as well.

I play on an RP realm so there’s more opportunities to be social out and about.
I’ve also made plenty of friends by running keys. Met a lot of very chill and nice folks that way.

Honorable mention to my guild, very casual but full of supportive and helpful people.