How to make friends in World of Warcraft?

Dungeons, really. Which seems like the opposite. And guilds, too.

I met a pair last night and we went as far as we could on key lvl before we were out of our element. It was a frustrating and fun experience for sure.

After a certain age it’s almost impossible.

You realize how superficial a online game friendship is when you have experience with real relationships.

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This is incredibly dismissive. I’ve been to 3 weddings and stayed in the homes of many of the people I’ve met in WoW over the last 15 years. These people are as real friends to me as those I’ve met in real life.

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IDK my co workers still play they usually invite me to join their m+. They feel is much better to carry someone they know rather than pug some random guy. At least they know I won’t do anything dumb.

I’ve been to tons of weddings and been to a lot of peoples houses. That’s not how friendships are gauged.


That’s my secret captain, I don’t have any of those either

Playing Classic. TBH I made a lot more friends on Classic!

Online game friendships, can in fact…be real relationships.

why not both? I have irl friends and online friends. And tbh I’m much more closer to my online friends that we have meet up and dinner dates whenever we can

  1. Join a guild
  2. Don’t be a Karen / Chad
  3. Don’t get offended by stupid / superficial stuff
  4. Be nice

Also, there is no significant difference between an IRL friend and an online friend. The manner of interaction is far less important than the interaction itself. For something “more than friends”, it is a little different story, but not by much.

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wow friends are the best!

Join a dedicated content team.
Raiding. Rated BGs. Arena. I guess Roleplay can fit into this if you find a guild running a guild-wide storyline weekly (which is definitely a thing).

If you’re interacting with the same set of players every week for the sake of the content, it’s a MASSIVE foot in the door to break into existing cliques (and unless you’re like… hunting other solo players, that’s going to be a hurdle you need to deal with when making new friends).

If they use Voice, you need to use Voice too, btw. If you’re the guy that’s just there but not actually interacting because they’re in voice and you’re not, it doesn’t help anything.

Short of something like that… I guess you just have to be more willing to be the one that approaches others? My current Guild / friends are people I met because someone decided to just whisper my alt asking if I wanted to heal some classic dungeons (this is on retail btw, they could have just queued, they chose not to).

Same applies to RP. SOOOO many people don’t want to go out of their comfort zone and be the one to start something. If you’re that guy, regardless of context, you’ve got many more chances of making friends. Sitting around hoping someone reaches out to you doesn’t work. And the game isn’t designed in a way that encourages people to do so anymore.

Initially all of my friends came from bgs. Queue a few hundred bgs and you’re bound to run into players who’ll appreciate your contribution and before you know it you’re queueing more than just bgs with them

Also guilds/communities and joining discords is a solid way to meet people you’d normally not encounter in your every day wow activities

The best way to make friends is to just talk to people. You aren’t going to get along with everyone but you won’t make any friends by staying silent.

This is coming from an introvert, for the record. I have to make myself talk to folks and get kind or anxious when in voice chat until I know folks. lmao

You sorta have to do that thing like on the Sludgefist fight.

You get chained to someone, and if yall get too far apart, you die.

Congrats. You are friends now.

This is how you make friends 100% lmao

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I don’t know either, players want to be at their best so much they don’t have time [or want] to talk.

Ironically, wow could feel empty, even with the 5 million players.

I made some friends Via PVP and the arena forums. We don’t really play togethed much but we BS in Discord at all hours. Lol

I mostly make friends by accident. I hangout with people, I sometimes pug and people like to add me, or I’ll walk around on RP realms and randomly talk to people. The amount of people I’ve made friends with in that last category is probably the highest.

Sometimes I have to pug people for my raid and I’ve made a lot of friends that way too, or through something like keys where you mess around and actually talk to people.

You can also make them here on the forums if you find people you enjoy talking to and wanna add them. Hell, my battle tag is floating around on the forums a lot because I always offer to teach people things when possible, and that’s a good way to make them too.

I don’t have a problem finding friends I have a problem keeping them. Reason is after a time people drift apart with different interests ,this normally hurts me ,but I had to learn to let go. People need that space for their own personal development .