How to horde players feel about Blood Elves?

Because you didn’t like that Garrosh used you to get a bell.

You only went there to save your sorry hides in the event Garrosh set his sights on you.

You joined in on the elf band wagon with the Night Elves and High Elves might as well have been an elf convention.

Tell that to the loser above this post. You elves have always treated the rest as dirt, less than dirt even.

Doesn’t matter what you think about it. I am Horde and will stay that way.


I have never once treated another player like dirt for any reason, especially one so trivial as what race they play in a fictional video game.


I think Blood Elves are great, but I’m biased :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve always been a Horde player and a Blood Elf player and I love the Blood Elves we are the best looking race in the whole game and the majority of the Horde playerbase.

Actually I also love all of the Horde races only place I find races I dislike is Alliance side and that’s Gnomes/Mechagnomes due to every time I try to play one I can’t stand being so small and then Void Elves due to the fact they are basically bargain bin Blood Elves on Alliance side with really bad hair.


Oh i got an easy fix for this, swap the hordes racial abilities for the alliance ones, and BOOM the alliance harbors will be so packed full of characters swaps the logbooks will explode and blizz will make tons of cash :moneybag: :sunglasses: :gem:

No, you are not.

But you don’t speak for the rest do you elf? That clown a few posts back is a perfect example of what 99% of all Blood Elves are like.

Not for you to determine. It’s also mental how people like to act how someone is fit for something they picked for their own character based on race. Because everyone playing are humans anyway. It’s an RPG game. Only Blizz and I get to decide where my character fits.

This hasn’t been true for a long time.

What’s mental is that you thought an elf warrior was a fit.

Yes, because skinny arms waving huge swords is hilarious. And you can’t do anything about it. Just sit and seethe.

I can choose who I play with so there is something I can do.

Anyone can do that. I choose to play with my friends. Doesn’t mean anything to me. But it does when you try to control the community based on some dumb ideal.

The only real dumb ideal happened in TBC when Blizzard tried to address the faction “imbalance”

Well it happened and is over. You don’t control that. You don’t get to determine who is Horde. You aren’t Warchief and you didn’t create nor do you run this game.

No but I do get to run my groups and that’s good enough.

Again, I’ll never be in your groups. So if you want to short-change yourself due to racism, knock yourself out.

Good those slots are for real Horde races.

Like Blood Elves.

There fixed it for you.