How to horde players feel about Blood Elves?


Like - we’d ever want to leave such a wonderful place?

You’re quickly becoming my favorite elf. I mean, I still loath you. You know… Elf stuff… But A part of me wishes when you meet your end it’s mostly painless.


Oddly enough I got the impression my mother felt the same way about me.

Whenever I play Horde, I always made orcs or tauren or undead. Never really cared for blood elves, but the nightborne are cool.

Too many people play blood elves.

Whoa… My sense of humor took a dark turn… I needed to delete the response lol

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We’re RP - no harm…

Not enough play Void Elfs…Just sayin…

Starting to get that way, at least on WoW’s cringiest server (Moon Guard).

Top Alliance race is human, followed closely by night elf. Number 3 is void elf.

Kul Tirans are below Mechagnome, at dead last, and I’m more than okay with this. :slight_smile:

If the Alliance is ever to defeat the Horde…The population of Void Elfs must equal, or exceed Blood Elfs…It’s the ONLY WAY!

We don’t need more knife-ears. :frowning:

Besides, the number of total elf in Alliance tends to outnumber the total elf in Horde, since our number 2s ans 3s are elves.

i have never played blood elfs and i never will



You sound like you were made for a Void Elf.

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They were originally going to be a horde race until blizzard decided that they wanted each faction to have at least some presence on each continent.

Forsaken were also originally going to be an alliance race as well, iirc.

Neutral races that pick a side would not have made sense in original wow though.

And, unrelated, but Pandaren were originally going to be the alliance race in BC, instead of the Draenei retcon. I have a theory that they put model work into it before they were scrapped though, and recycled that work an expansion later to make the Tuskarr. Because when you observe the current male pandaren model and the older tuskarr model you start to notice some similarities.

Well you’re certainly not Horde material that’s for sure.

Or we just don’t want you in the Horde. That has not changed since TBC nor will it ever. As a player if I don’t want to run with Blood Elves I damn well won’t. Blood Elves and Nightborne don’t belong, you will never belong no matter how much you sacrifice, And that will never change.

glory to the sindorei! :grin:

Yada, yada, yada, I was a troll in Vanilla and I made a blood elf in TBC, who cares? lol

In the past I didnʻt think much of it. Since id only be looking at the back of my character 90% of the time.
But nowadays since you can see a detailed image of your character in cutscenes, I take a little more time setting up my characters looks.

You’ll find that a lot of people do and they will always care because we would rather be true to our beliefs and uphold them with integrity rather than cave to people like you.

What’s this even mean? Cave to people like me, how? By being accepting of a race which has been here since 2007, has been in multiple forms of literature for the game and shown to be as Horde as anyone else, including being the first to join Vol’jin’s rebellion in an effort to save the Horde, the first on the Isle of Thunder fighting for the Horde, the first in Suramar fighting back the Legion, etc.

It’s not my fault you’re just to set in your ways to be accepting of other people as other people are of you.

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Thank you for your opinion Mr. Random Orc Nobody #4532.
Unfortunately for you, you have 0 say in who joins the Horde.
Deal with it Greenskin.

Fabulous Kisses and sparklingly beautiful hugs with a hairflip for good measure

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