How to Hide 'Unused Essense Slot' message?

Hello, I am unable to perma-close the message “Your Heart of Azeroth has an unused Essense Slot.” My character affected by this problem is Remfire-Dath’Remar

I only have one ability unlocked for the Heart of Azeroth Heart forge thing, so I am unable to fill a second slot at the Forge. I have tried closing the messages several times, in my character, on the hotbar, but every time I zone, reloiad ui, the message is back, in my way, distracting me.

Is there a Blizzard UI option to disable these messages? Or an AddOn?

I’ve had the same sensory overload issues with the PVP message as well. Filling the PvP slots (with Passive abilities so spells dont auto-fill onto my hotbar when taking a taxi over a pvp zone) worked to stop the messages from popping up. But with this Heart of Azeroth, I dont have the ability to fill all the slots.

I know that once I get another Essence, I can fill that empty slot, so then this issue will be a non-issue… but I haven’t unlocked a second essence, and it has been over a day with this issue, the message comes right back after each zone/reload, no matter how many times and ways I click the close. WoW is not my main game, so I dont spend all day in WoW to make progress towards another piece.

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I have not tested this but can you try this

function CharacterMicroButton:ShouldShowAzeriteEssenceSlotAlert()
	return false

Turn it into an addon with or use

There also is the HideTalentAlert addon which disables any and all alerts from the micro menu

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I’m giving this a try. Thank you so much!