How to get to Kul Tiras on alt

Just hit 120 on my alt and the captain only has the option to send me to darkshore which I dont ever want to go to

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He’s your captain, he’s your captain. Though he feeling mighty sick.


Is your alt horde or alliance? From Zuldazar or from Stormwind or Org? What level is your alt?

All these things give different answers.

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what dark sorcery is this? I thought the 3 “foothold” campaigns that open up the 3 kultiras map happened level 110, 114, and 118. You’re 120 and you saw no foothold campaign quest?

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If you have completed the Darkshore quests once, you don’t have to do it again. If it’s your first time, you will want to do the quests in case you decide to do a warfront there. The 400 pieces are worth it.

Yeah, this. You unlock the footholds on Kul Tiras through the quests, I think.

Ive done everything on this character already I just hit 120 on my Death knight today and I cant get to kul tiras do I have to do the whole effort crap again? Like collecting a 100 resources??? I did purely dungeons

What zone are you in?

This is unreal I have to do those trash quests again? On an Alt?

To Savana Im in dazaralor


it’s really not.

You did the Horde’s quests. You never did the Alliance’s quests.


Huh??? my alt is horde as well wtf

Go to the war table on the ship?

I cant even click it

Have fun with that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, I don’t think the War Campaign quests are account bound, you need to do it for each character.


That’s the only bad problem with never doing any questing even to get the factions in each zone to friendly to be able to do the WQs.

I can do every single world quest in Zandalar I just have no option to go to kul tiras even though I can see the available WQs there wtffffffffffffff


Yep, you haven’t done the quests to get to the zones. Go to wowhead and see what you have to do… my only suggestion.

If you didn’t do war campaign no access to Kul’tiras for you till you do it

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As Horde you have to do at least the 1st war campaign, then once you get the flightpath/foothold you can run around to your hearts delight in Kul Tiras and not do any other war campaigns. Other than that not sure how you would get there.

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