How to get to Kul Tiras on alt

You can’t play this game however you feel like it – you’re gonna play this game how we want you to play it


Yay I have to redo unlock quests on another character because I didn’t level a specific way even though I’ve done them already solid game design 10/10

Thanks everyone for the help

It’s four quests. Not a six month grind. lol


What the whatery whataruuuu!!! I know 3 are for the 3 zones of kul tiras…but what’s the fourth?

Starts with the 100 war resources, but you can get them easily from WQs. Then the footholds should open up.

I have to find 100 resources through means of just running around randomly because that makes sense

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Level 110: Introduction to the War Campaign

The War Campaign chain starts immediately after you land on Dazar’alor, and choose a zone to start questing on. After being introduced to the war campaign effort located in Dazar’alor, on the quest The War Campaign, you will receive your very first quest, The War Cache. On this quest, you’re introduced to War Resources, the resource used to funnel missions and troops in Battle for Azeroth, and tasked to collect 100 War Resources.

Before level 120, War Resources are pretty scarce, only obtainable by collecting treasure chests in Kul Tiras/Zandalar and as rewards for scattered storyline quests, so this quest might take a bit to be completed. However, this quest will autocomplete once you manage to loot all 100 War Resources. After completing this part, you return to Dazar’alor on Time for War and receive a hefty sum of Azerite Power.

Introduction to the Mission Table

The next part of the introduction is to this expansion’s mission table, located atop the Banshee’s Wail. On the quest Mission from the Warchief, you’re formerly introduced to the mission table, and receive your first champion, Arcanis Valtrois. You will also receive 100 War Resources back.

Next, on the quest War of Shadows, you will send Valtrois on the mission Shadow of War, which will last 2 hours. After they return from their mission, you will complete War of Shadows and receive the quest Reinforcements, where you will earn the ability to invoke troops to aid your champions on the mission table’s missions.

Levels 110, 114 and 118: Establishing Footholds

The next part of the War Campaign triggers after the introduction, where you can step into Kul Tiras to establish your first foothold. Footholds are places in the opposite faction’s continent that you can access from your faction’s boat. After the introduction, you can choose your first foothold to go to, and the other 2 will be available at levels 114 and 118.


Also, not sure if this will work if you haven’t done a war campaign, BUT you could try talking to the Honorbound emissary and see if you can buy one of the Missives that starts a quest, that will send you to Kul Tiras.

The same wqs with resource rewards don’t give those rewards on my alt I’m assuming because they don’t want it to be ez mode and they want me to scour the world for it

Just do a few WQs that give resources and you’ll finish that one. BTW it’s meant to be done by a 110 character just starting BfA.

Yeah the fourth is getting 100 resources. Then you do the three zones unlock chains. Well I guess that is actually more than four quests. But they aren’t long chains. /shrug

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Foothold quests are easily ignored. Breadcrumbs only appear if you open your quest log. I think the lead into these quests is poorly done myself.

My 120 rogue still has the Stormsong Valley quest to do the foothold there, but instead of doing the quest, she jumped ship, got all of the flight paths opened up, so when I have something for her in that zone, I just take the quest offer from the ship, and take the flight paths like normal on my others. I just got tired of doing all the footholds after the 4th time.

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I never missed any of these since they have an exclamation mark or question mark on the map. IMO it’s just part of playing the game. And the big orange exclamation mark says it’s important… at least I think that’s what it means.

And yet, if there is an Assault, we get a popup quest that can’t be ignored. You have to actually accept it.

Same should happen for these. The technology is already in the game.


Really good idea there. I would totally agree with that.

Yes you have to do all that

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I know people don’t like doing repetitive stuff, and they wanna fast track things.

I have 11 120’s (7 Ally and 4 Horde) and I had no problem banging out the War Campaigns, plus I didn’t even do Dungeons unless they were part of a quest. Plus, now that I think on it, I have only 1 Ally and 1 Horde I did all of the War Campaigns that are available (to unlock the new races) , and maybe done 1 or 2 on my other 9 characters just so I could get the footholds open and flight paths on the opposing side so I could get to the WQ’s and Invasions.

You HAVE to do the 100 resources quest and then unlock your first foothold to get to Kul’tiras. stupid, i know.

So I had this problem on my druid. See my druid was alliance because I wanted to experience their story line in BFA. after 120 I swapped factions. I didn’t have any footholds and no war campaign done, even though having done it on alliance side. If you do not have these quests and cannot find the foothold initiations, click L and see if it says “continue the war campaign by accepting mission statement in Orgrimmar”. If so, go on top of the front org wall where the heirlooms are and talk to Nathanos. do the small quest up to the stormwind scenario, click “I’ve done this just port me jabroni”, talk to talanji, get “welcome to zandalar”, go to banshees wail, do 1 foothold. BOOM! it’s done. Sorry if anyone figured this out already.