How to get into RBGS?

Nice! Yeah bro there’s still fun to be had out there. Arena is a learning curve for me this season, but I’m having a blast with it.

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Same here! It’s going to take some time to get the hang of how to counter some comps but i’m really enjoying it!

I don’t struggle with hunters as much as I struggle with rogues/mages anymore, that’s a real deadly CC/disorient/stun combo but all in good time and practice :smiley:

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If you don’t have a community, it is very tough as a DPS. You either lead your own groups or play a highly desirable spec/class like druid/DH tank , priest heals, boomy or rogue. Even when I play tank, I have a hard time finding groups within 100 pts of me. I mean if the tank spot is open I almost always get it, but sometimes there isn’t even a group to choose from.

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Yep, I agree. I think i’m done with RBGs and am fully committing to arenas, much less time consuming overall

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I know this is late and you’ve already gave it a shot but networking is where it’s at just like all things in life. Be the guy that people want to invite and be the first one to add someone’s btag that is competent and chill. I know several people irl that play(ed) this game and afraid to put anyone on their friends list that they didn’t know well enough to invite them to a birthday party. You gotta get people on your btag list.

When you log in and know you’ll be on for a while message these people and ask if they are running rbgs anytime soon and if so that you’d be down and invite you.

I eventually started leading a group myself and the ones who got invited did exactly this. If any outsider networked in with us and we scheduled rbgs every saturday night at 7pm, the ones who were there at 655 asking when invites were going out got invited.

Don’t btag anyone toxic, ever. It only sets you back regardless of how lucrative their “experience” is. Little Johnny thinks he’s somebody on the interwebs because his birthday money bought him duelist last season.

TLDR: get as many competent/non toxic people on your btag as possible and check in with them when you login for queues.

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I think we’re mostly all at this point lol

This is why Blizz needs to implement solo queue for rBGS and arenas.

You forgot the most important thing from your list. You played a healer. That makes it far easier to get your foot in the door and to get into groups where their MMR was higher than your CR. :slight_smile:

Sort of feels like you’re implying I was carried here. Not sure why you would assume that.

As for the playing a healer to get into groups part, you’re right, that made my climb infinitely easier. But that’s also why I play a healer. It doesn’t make the advice I gave any less pertinent.

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Your assumption is wrong.

“foot in the door”

If you played and were bad then you wouldn’t get invited back. The problem is that many people don’t even get the “foot in the door” opportunity and if you are playing an undervalued class/spec, forget it.

Being a healer allows you to “network” into better players with higher MMR, even when you have no previous rating. But again, if you don’t play well then you won’t get invited back to play with them again.

FCs are also in the same position, but you pretty much have to be a druid. Rogues are also highly sought after and get into “foot in the door” groups.

To be clear, what I was saying there is that being a healer made it easier for you to bypass the “you need previous rating to get rating” “chicken or the egg” roadblock to get out of the playing with horrible LFG people phase of the game.

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I’ll give you that, sorry, people throw a lot of shade on these forums–hard to read between the lines all the time. lol But either way, you’re right, I honestly wouldn’t even try to do PVP right now if I were a DPS main unless I had a buddy who wanted to queue arena, or had a way into a regular group.

But I duno, RBGs just don’t feel the same as they used to. I can’t find the motivation to queue them outside of honor for the vault. Arena is fun at least.

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Except that ppl making groups for like 1400 etc don’t realize this.

This statement had nothing, whatsoever, to do with joining groups. Good job :+1:

Didn’t it though?


The person I was responding to: “i dont wanna lead yolos rn bcuz idk what the meta is atm”.
Me: “Below 2k the meta doesn’t matter”

dIdN’t It ThOuGh?!

Season is so dead it matters at any cr.

I took Siph’s point to be that its harder to get into RBGs than it should be as an off-meta spec because people put more weight on meta specs or specific comps than they should and so you can loose out to people with alot less xp/less ilvl, etc.

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Yeah I was talking to Kitanana for her post about not knowing the meta. Below 2k the meta does not matter. Any class and any comp can push. It’s 100% “bring the player, not the class”. And beyond 2k it’s still mostly true but meta comps and classes will trend higher towards the top.

Players who are starting out in leadership roles will hurt their development by trying to be carried with fotm metas. Focus on learning maps, objectives, and strat calls, as well as building/playing with teams or networks of people rather stressing about meta comps at 1600. They will grow as a leader far better this way.

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Except that it did, I’m not sure what you mean =\