How to get back to Frostfire Ridge? (Solved)

Does anyone happen to know how I could get back to Frostfire Ridge on Draenor?

I had just started the level 90 quests there on my DK, but then ported back to Org to hang out with a friend.

I’d like to continue the quests there, but the portal in org only sends me to Ashran, which is waaaay on the East side of the continent, and I’m not sure how to get from there to Frosfire ridge.

Is there a faster way than corpse-walking across Draenor? >.>’

if you got your garrison hearthstone already, that will take you straight there


Sorry, I don’t know what that is. Could you please explain? I don’t see a second hearthstone in my bags, and my previous hearth was set to somewhere in the Jade Forest.

A portal to warspear, ashran exists I think in the orgrimmar portal room. That’ll get you to draenor, then you can fly to frostfire from there.


I don’t have any flight points in Frostfire, unfortunately. :frowning:

If you finished the entry quest at least - you should have the flight path even if you didn’t build your garrison. If you can’t fly and don’t have a flight path to Frostfire… ouch. That is a long swim.

Is your toon online now?


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Also another handy tip is going and asking someone to summon you, its a pain but some helpful warlock might help you o8ut

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Yes, online now. I’m just kind of riding on a horse around the outer perimeter of the land mass (on the water), over towards Frostfire. I got the flight point in Ashran, but then got the message that I don’t know any flight points connected.

Did you get through the initial scenario? IE running around murdering a bunch of orcs with khadgar?

I’m making a custom LFG on my priest (Kitsunë-Hellscream) and she can drive you. The name of the LFG is Grumbles.


It’s listed under Custom LFG PVE.


grumbles, mvp with the cookies!


Fasctinating! I didn’t know about this option. I think I’ve signed up. This is my first time using it.

Also, Teranin, I think I am through the main part of the initial scenario. I might have stopped before the very end. I’m not sure. :o


If those don’t work, check YouTube. There is a video guide on how to get to Gorgrond from the timeless isle.

I know our involves rising around to the east side and then going into an underwater cave. Sitting in a chair at a campfire and then clicking on the fire. It will transport you to a mirrored campfire in southern Gorgrond.


Just a sideways factoid about getting to Draenor in general if you find yourself in a similar situation, as I have on alts previously…

You can go to Timeless Isle and off the coast where all the frogs are, swim out and straight down once you are able, and you’ll see a cave. Inside is a fire with chairs around it. Sit in one of the chairs and click the fire and it will take you to a similar spot in Gorgrond.

Edit: Just a bit slow. :laughing:


This is interesting…if you have Draneor flying (of course, this would be for alts) you do not have to do the Draenor intro quests. Instead, go to Timeless Isle and swim down into the cave that is next to the boat where the frogs are (kinda NE on the map.)

When you come up into the cave there is a fire with some chairs around it. Sit in the chair and click the fire - and you get teleported to Gorgrond. From there you can fly straight down to where you normally come into Draenor and Thrall will be waiting for you :slight_smile:

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3 in a row haha

Well they definitely know about this trick now. :smiley:

Thank you so much, everyone. Someone is helping now, with a two-seater flying mount!

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LOL - that is too funny! :slight_smile:

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You are in the presence of greatness, Maley.

Don’t eat too many of the cookies though. Just a nibble is said to be able to sustain a fully grown orc for days.


I thought I read that you could just run thru the dark portal again to get back, but never had to test it

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