Didn’t WoW hit over 10 million subs during WoD launch and then downhill from there? If that is the case that could tell you on what has happened since then.
Four years isn’t truly that long of a time. They could do a few things to try and get subs back and it could work for a million or two subs from people on the fringe. I wouldn’t expect a massive return of people at this point of an expansion. There would have to be massive changes, some of which this dev team has very little interest in.
lol, I, too, am a middle school teacher. Everything you said is spoooooooooooot on.
They may not even be counting subs in the same way anymore - MAUs aside; I think they had some wacky system for China.
Turn the game back into MoP
There, I saved you all lots of reading.
Exactly this I think there’s something wrong with the OP, he just doesn’t really get it. Practically wants most of the game to regress backwards, and then goes “no one said anything…”, Yes that is ‘old wow’.
And yes, I also think those days are over too.
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Bringing back flying is the only thing on your list that is not an opinion. “Removing titanforging will increase crop yields and keep people from starving and replaces coconut oil as the go to for everything”.
- Make an xpac where the devs can brag about 10 new exciting zones, 2 of which are strictly PVP.
- Storyline that does not end in a raid.
- Dungeons are 2 or 5 mans. Raids are 10, 15, 20 mans. Less of both…focus on the actual world. Die mythic…you are part of the problem.
- Sliders to change facial expressions if no helmet is chosen.
- Tattoos. Lots of them.
- Unrestricted mogging.
- Profession relevant to progression, story and for…wait for it…housing. A map zone is dedicated to housing.
- Each talent tier has 5 choices…screw balance, it has been 14 years now and we have made peace that it is never, NEVER, NEVER going to happen so who cares anymore.
- Less instanced gimmick content…warfronts, island expedition…kill them both off.
- World PVP encouragement. Once a week a group of monsters attacks a main city, weakening it enough for an invasion of opposing factions to attack…holding the city for a certain amount of time after the creatures die will give the faction gold and a chance at a mount or gear drops.
- PVP vendors are back and 2 more bgs are added.
- CRZ and sharding can be turned off unless you are part of number 10.
- Gear bonuses for guilds running in full groups of all instanced content.
- No more gimmick gear that is created as a time sink. Don;t need a time sink when there is actual content.
- Fix flying so it is more realistic and less 90 degree this way and 90 degree that way.
- Flight with no mount to be used 5 times a day. No mount just superman like flight at 5x speed.
- Flight at cap…give us a cooldown before remounting…but GIVE IT BACK.
I hear all kinds of complaints about players needing some kind of advantage in PVP because they have no life and spend 12 hours a day farming gear. There should be no gear advantage at all in PVP. It should come down to ONLY skill and teamwork. Getting farmed over and over by a “geared” team carrying their friend so he can gear up is not only frustrating, it’s boring and kills the game. Every Xpac I keep thinking they will fix this, but they never do. Casual players continue to be used for target practice, losing BG’s where the other team all have 10 - 20 kills each and my team all has zero and spent most of the game dying in the graveyard under a shower of starfall, blizzard and getting chain stunned by rogues and pally’s. Poor game design. There’s no reason why a gear advantage is needed in PVP. Give appearance gear or mounts or gear that scales for PVE, but make all gear exactly the same level when you enter PVP. It will make for better matches and less rage-quit. Also, if you want to revitalize the game, maybe unwind the levels back to ten years ago, send us back home to Azeroth to save Gnomeragon or Ironforge or something. I can’t remember the last time I saw home and I feel really disconnected from the game because of it. I really don’t care to discover yet another group of islands that somehow remained hidden even though I have literally discovered other universes/dimensions/time traveled. I would love to return back to Goldshire without everything within 40 yards dying simply because I thought about it. I really never saw the point in upscaling every Xpac so that the old content is obsolete. You basically threw away all your old work by doing that.
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There are times to go back. If you’re lost sometimes you need to backtrack to find a better path. Plodding along in the wrong direction often requires going back.
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lol - that wouldn’t do it. Some of those things would cause people to leave as well.
In addition, people have to stay subbed for the game to be viable, no point in removing a lot of things that are currently encouraging people to stay subbed for months.
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I get that MMORGP’s aren’t the most popular game genre any longer. That for the most part they aren’t what the current younger generations want to play. The whole gaming industry recognizes that.
But having Blizzard systemically remove/change elements in WoW that made it a wonderful social MMO seems to be turning it into a game that fewer and fewer players are interested in.
Blizzard almost seems to be content in driving off it’s most loyal fan base in hopes of capturing some market share that isn’t interested in playing a MMORGP in the first place.
I say give WoW players what they’ve loved over the years. Questing in a beautiful world, good dungeons and raids, professions and activities that are meaningful and fun, and a game design that encourages cooperative social game play. But hey, what do I know, I’m just some casual noob that loves playing WoW.
Step 1) Build Time Machine
Step 2) Go back in time to when MMO’s were more then their niche
Step 3) ???
Step 4) Profit
MMO’s aren’t mainstream again, they’ve fallen back into their niche, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
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My name is Pepino and I approve this message
Except I like personal loot I agree with everything else.
I dislike/am ambivalent about the majority of OP’s suggestions. If I were not subscribed this entire list wouldn’t make me come back.
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Agree with the vid, but the devs aren’t motivated it seems to bring players back. Otherwise alot of stuff would have been implemented already. Like I’ve mentioned in wod and legion. The devs have the chance now to make the next expansion worth playing. But honestly players were voicing themselves before prior to BFA and legion. Only to be ignored… Current team doesn’t seem to learn from mistakes in development. The slowly address them then changes are trickled down like an I.V. instead of fixing them at the start. They like testing to see how far they can hold players without making any huge changes. The old saying give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. Notice the pattern with every expansion?
My solution:
Game philosophy:
If it aint broke dont fix it.
People do not like to lose abilities. Nerfs are really bad.
Nerfs are really bad.
Once you let it out into the wild, taking it away again is a sure way to lose subs. Nerfs are really bad. Better to buff something else than nerf its counterpart.
Flying should be available from the outset of every expac since it was invented (TBC to date), provided the player has the plat to buy the training for that expac (which shouldnt exceed like 2 or 3k). It’s too late to remove it now and makes no sense to force pathfinder achievements for it… Nerfs are really bad. Getting dumber about your previous abilities is counter intuitive. If people aren’t experiencing the new art for new expac, select the best spots and put quests there. Heck put quests everywhere. but let people fly.
Hire someone to resolve master loot disputes, badge gear issues, etc, and put them back in.
Quit being weird about allied races.
Give both factions equal development time. You’re ruining your own game.
We love you but good grief. Do you guys need a vacation or something? Nerfs are really bad.
I agree with most of op’s points.
As far as titanforging- I hate feeling obligated to do content just because there’s a chance that I’ll get a huge titan forge and get +5 item levels from it. I like a sense of being done with content. With this system there is no end and I hate that.
I wasn’t around for work or mop but I remember in classic, bc and cata you still remembered where you got your good gear because you had to earn it. I don’t think the current system of getting random caches from war fronts, mythic dungeons, invasions, or world quest emmisaries is good because you no longer log in with a clear goal or a list of measurable outcomes like you did when you went for your classes best ring slot in the second boss of a 10 man raid group with your guild.
3b,c, I guess I don’t care either way on these. I’m likely one of the beneficiaries of no ml but that doesn’t make it so I can’t understand why it existed. Let raid teams determine how they do loot. Also I don’t know why 25 man is somehow better than 20 man for mythics and I haven’t played any so I abstain from advocating for it.
People keep missing the point with flying- OP didn’t say you didn’t have to still do pathfinder. As it stands flying just isn’t available right now. My main from this expansion is exalted in every faction and has every bfa quest completed and no flying became available. I can still hop onto npc’s griffins and such so it’s not a gravity thing, there’s just no reason for why I suddenly can’t fly.
For vulpera and high elves, I really do not care. I unlocked void elves, light forged drenai, and dark iron dwarves. Sure I liked the aesthetics of dark irons and the racial bonuses and a little bit the prestige of void elves but in the end I just had a long time gated grind followed by having to level another character which meant a lot of time invested for something that wasn’t really worth it in the end.
Agreed on previous expansion rep grinds. There’s no reason I should have to experience previous expansion rep grinds just to unlock a 1st level feature for future characters.
And I don’t know what you mean by break ice. I think the writing Department may be one of the only good ones right now (although the art Department is killing it right now).
Nor does it help with class diversity. Youll run 6 warlocks instead of 4. Woohoo…
25-player Mythic? Teams can barely get all 20 players to show up. No, make it 15 or 13, or better yet, just make it flex.
Also, Alliance generally don’t want high elves. We want something unique. Give us danger noodles.
I knew OP was going to suggest this before I even clicked.