How to get 12 million subs back. Step by step guide

I wholeheartedly disagree with you. The psychology that made classic - wotlk great to millions of people has not changed in man in 10 years. What has changed was the removal of all MMORPG elements from the MMORPG genre.

In a short while the success to come of Classic wow will vindicate what I say. And millions will return not for nostalgia, but for a qualitatively better game with better systems all around.


You’ve nailed it.

Have to agree with the OP, but you know Ion doesn’t want to bring players back or keep players. They would have already acted by reverting things. The current dev team seems to be trying to ignore what its predecessors had in play. Instead they seem to want to carve there own path. A path that isn’t going well.
Been questioning that if subs went below a certain level. If this would then allow the devs to leave blizz if there under contract. In pursuit of other employers or other blizz game teams. Right now I’ve noticed so many break away from wow for overwatch and other games. Could Ion be wanting to follow with those that have left ? Because honestly reverting alot of things could bring back players. Yet they refuse to do so, which could only raise questions.


A really good start would be an attitude adjustment on the part of the devs.

  1. Stop treating your customer base as an enemy that needs to be beaten into submission.

  2. Do not dictate to your customer what they WILL find fun because the customer is too dumb to know what they enjoy.


Imo MoP wasnt good, and the class design during that time was worse than it is right now. If the game went back to that class design, the game would be in a worse position than it is now.

This game wont gain 12 million players back, unless classic gets huge, which I sortve doubt it will.

This game is old, its not going to regain a massive amount of sub losses at this point. The damage has been done.

Yes WoW was good, but compared to other games today, its just not a “good” game anymore. Its too aged at this point.

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I was going to take this seriously… then I sw it was another ally/veteran/vanilla whine post.

Wholeheartedly agree with you. MoP was a bunch of Wombo Combo’s and stupid abilities added for the sake of adding abilities.

They do need to add more abilities, but they need to be new, and thoughtful.

They need to focus on retaining it’s loyal base and not accessibility to new players it just won’t get.

Step 1) Kill your current MMO so you can convince your bosses to release a new MMO.
Step 2) Since you already have a bunch of stuff left over from the Titan project, try to release it as a new MMO.
Step 3) Fail because you still have no idea what fun is.
Step 4) Release another FPS based on Starcraft.
Step 5) Profit.

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Don’t even need all of that.

  1. Bring back scarcity by removing LFR,this brings a sense of wonder and people actually needing to socialize (ie) a guild.
  2. Get rid of global cooldown changes as they are complete trash
  3. Stop the stat squishing
  4. Get rid of zone scaling
  5. add back the sense of achievement,Not just add more achievements.
  6. and ffs bring back talent trees.

I personally found MoP to be very boring I think it would be best if we went back to wrath levels of design

The removal of the TF system would eradicate re-playability in raids; however, you would know exactly what item level of gear would drop when you looted the boss.

Mists of Pandaria gear design is when they implemented the WF/TF system. What do you want back from MoP in terms of class design? As a tank, I certainly don’t want to see the return of Vengeance. :confused:

I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve here. If you add 5 people to mythic difficulty, then the encounters are more punishing to account for the additional players (the top guilds would stack more.) Mythic raiding is able to be balanced well because it’s a consistent number. I think designing mythic for 25 players would be a bit much.

A pro of ML would be that the Master Looter can ensure that no one else ninjas loot from an encounter. (Challenge: No one else can ensure that the Master Looter doesn’t ninja loot.)

A lot of drama generated when people would roll for loot, and the person who won the roll was denied the loot. There’s also favoritism; typically the best-performing players were given the best loot, and then the “low performers” were handed the scraps – largely just item level upgrades (and not statistical upgrades.)

ML was a cess pool of drama, and it’s removal really only affected guilds that enjoyed funneling loot to certain players.

I don’t want enchants on EVERY piece of gear I own – too much maintenance. Sockets in gear aren’t gone, but I’m sure you mean guaranteed sockets.

While I’m not strictly against the sockets or enchants, it would return the issue of, “I just looted this new item, but I can’t use it yet because I don’t have a gem or enchant for it.” That’s not a very nice place to be when trying to use genuine upgrades.

I don’t understand what’s wrong with working for flying. It’s “free” from an in-game financial perspective, but it costs real time (which costs real money.) Unless, of course, you pay for game time using in-game gold.

Either way, it’s not a gold sink… thank, Blizzard!

Blood elves and High elves are one and the same. Horde has blood elves; you should make the swap. :slight_smile:

I agree. +1 :slight_smile:

This will happen eventually, Ion already stated that they would review the requirements. :slight_smile:


I seriously doubt in this current day that any MMO can get 12 million subs unless they are paying the players. Seems more like Battle Royale and MOBAs are more popular.


The damage done, the game is too old. wow will never hit 12 mil let alone 5mill subs again.


Maybe if Blizzard adapts to the times, the game might be able to get more subs, but then that would require changing the game to the point it isn’t recognizable anymore.

As a matter of fact, some players believe the game is unrecognizable now.

Well I agree with MOP gear/class design, flight, rep requirements for old allied races, valor/justice/pvp merchants, socketed gear and enchants.

They need to go back to MOP for tradeskills while they are at it.

Would love to see reforging back also. They said they felt it made people feel they needed to run back to forgemaster before using gear. Well how about a consumable tradeskill item that summons a temp forgemaster while your in your raid/dungeon?

Also real player housing would probably peak alot of people’s interest. Could then put furniture/decorative recipes in various tradeskills. Would make tradeskills more interesting again and get people buying and selling since you could actually make useful items instead of junk leveling gear nobody wants.

What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You honestly think delaying an Expansion 3 months would be a good business decision? Especially if maybe 1% more players would see it?

No, go deeper. We need to go all the way back to TBC

Perhaps it would have been a good business decision to delay Naxx till after or with the launch of TBC, although with pumped up tier stats to match TBC. I’ve always thought that would be a good way to inject new life into an area that pre-existed a new xpasion area.

Just throwing my 2 cents in. OP, I wouldn’t want a few items of your list to occur. To me it sounds like what you and your friends want, as well as those that play in the same way.
There’s many others that play this game completely differently to you.
Mind you, a few of your points are great IMO :slight_smile:

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