How to fix your issue with Covenants

It’s easy. You are concerned that people won’t pick people for Mythic+ groups because certain convenants will be better then others. I got the solution.

Don’t be that guy. You the people complaining about this issue, are the ones creating this issue. The fix is in your hands. Don’t pick people based on covenants problem solved.

Balls in your court.


That is the plan for me atleast well said so simple lol!


Flagged. You pervert.

Although I do agree, this will be an endless cycle of complaining about a system while perpetuating it.


Aesthetics > .5% dps increase


Exactly, especially when we know for a fact that a decent player that knows their class and covenant will always be superior to a fotmer. And blizzard whenever people like to believe it or not, is good enough to be able to balance all specs to be viable for a m15 or mythic raid. Because some class is more broken, doesn’t mean the other classes are bad.

This is a community created problem, it needs to be fixed by the community instead of pandering to wannabe elitists that are too lazy to level 4 of each class

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You do realize they will, because 90 percent of people that play wow don’t use a progression system even though it is there,because of limited time. They jump in to mythics or heroics.I been watching this behavior to some time.

Pretty sure we are talking about the wannabe elitists who are clearly not the 90% yet they are a big group of people you see often in endgame content that isnt done by the ultra casual playerbase.


Well that just solves the problem all together. Thanks man we can all rest easy now.

it won’t be a .5% increase and you know that

Ah yes putting the problem on the players, not on the design.
Classical approach of someone that doesn’t really want to fix the problem.
If you want people to change you make rules or laws that help going in that direction. Locking covenants encourage more discrimination because they will create more disparities. Enjoy.

Similar to the % DPS we see a FOTM do rn compared to a non fotm.

Let’s say Fotm is doing 10k Dps at maximum performance
Non fotm is doing 7 k DPS at maximum performance

Huge difference indeed.

Here’s the issue, m15s and mythic raids require 6k DPS to be completed therefore blizzard has balanced classes to a satisfactory degree

More balance is great, but not as important.

looking into crystal ball I predict that covenants will release unballanced with one covanent far out perform the rest. Everyone will pick that covanent, and blizzard will proceed to nerf it Into the ground pissing off everyone that picked it. Happens every expansion.

Oh we know, Already made a thread about it so I can point out how everyone knew this would happen and that is absolutely their fault for being meta slaves

And then another covenant will be the best and there will always be a best. Until they hammer them down so hard that they don’t matter at all. Happy covenants.

In my glass ball I can also foresee atleast a couple more Ralph threads about covenants, trying to alienate a very valid playstyle because he feels his playstyle is the only valid one. Pointing out to people “elitists are bad” when he’s the biggest elitist on the forums. :man_shrugging:

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Oh look another person that calls people trolls because they disagree. Sorry you are wrong this is not a troll it is just the truth rather you like it or not. This is a community created problem. If nobody was obsessed with covenants being perfect… then nobody would get left out from it. It really is just that simple.

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you still think you can convince the mob, we are already doomed