How to fix the power parity

Talanji has already done the most powerful thing in Warcraft franchise history by using magic to break down a magic nullfying barrier while in a magic nullifying zone. Even Med’an never hit that level of mary sue.


As usual Varian always doing the stupid thing. By acting as a Blue Warchief he forgot to tell the Head Figure of Dalaran (Jaina) that he was in talks with Lor’themar about letting blood elves back into the Alliance.
Nobody worked as close to them as Jaina and he didn’t deem her worthy of that knowledge?
Theoretically Blood Elves would be Alliance by now if not for Varian trying his way alone with thinking others might need to know his plans.
The same happend with Tyrande. He was going to do the same thing she wanted but he got stopped just in time by Anduin who explained the damgers of bloodshed on that zone but he never thought of telling that to Tyrande.
All these Wrynns are a cancer to the Alliance.

*Until it turns out that surprisingly your Warchief was evil all along and the rest of the Horde are still unblemished and honorable. Watch where you step, don’t want to get any ash on your boots.

Meanwhile, Alliance should just sit down and shut up. We should accept that the Horde has chosen Sargeras as Warchief and it would be rude to take preemptioh no where has astranaar gone

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Maybe it’s a grass-is-greener thing. :man_shrugging:
Hard for me to imagine being made to feel bad about something if the questing isn’t actually making you do anything bad first.

Oh yeah. Because we Horde players TOTALLY feel the faction pride now that Sylvanas is gone.



You can lord them over the Horde, both in arguments and in story. Both happen. Regularly.

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Give me a blade and some opportunity to kill Jaina.

That will end this dispute.

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It’s almost as if this point has been made repeatedly, that your powerhouses can’t do anything because the Horde doesn’t have any powerhouses to oppose them.

If Blizzard actually stuck to a level of power consistency in the faction conflict, the Horde would have been smoldering rubble in 8.1, and that’s not really a compelling story.


It took Tyrande and Malfurion to make just Nathanos retreat after he successfully completed his mission. Your thread has zero merit.

I actually really like the point about Talanji with the magic null barrier. That’s like lighting a match underwater, basically, and is a pretty cool feat. I hope we see more of her down the line.

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Give Thrall his world shaman powers back, make Talanji a ultra powerful loa avatar, Rommath should easily be an archmage equal to Jaina, show it. Let Magatha and the Grimtotem redeem them selves and rejoin the horde, Magatha is a very powerful and knowledgeable shaman, not in Thralls tier but still very powerful.

Bring Nazgrel back as a Saurfang tier warrior. pre bfa.

Or Nazgrim. As DK he must surley gotten a buff with it too.

They aren’t going to give the Horde one of the Four Horsemen.

It would fit with his personality. In live the Horde mattered the most to him like nothing else.

To be fair, that was in fact in life.

In death he gained a new purpose; defender of Azeroth as a whole through the shadow of death or whatever edge lord phrase DKs used back in Legion.


We do what the living cannot.


Shal’dorei telemancy + forsaken blight bombs. That is all.

Of course, the Horde could also co-opt the mana bomb technology used by Sunstrider’s Firewing troops in Terrokar forest to augment the blight bombs, creating an Azerothian equivalent to an IRL “dirty bomb”. Being able to teleport one of them literally anywhere (so long as they have the coordinates) would be a major equalizer. Jaina can’t be everywhere at once to protect the Alliance.

Of course, Sylvanas’ necromancy was a serious equalizer but Blizzard just had to turn her into a villain.