How to fix the power parity

This is a flat out lie, level 117 night elf warrior.

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I guess I’d feel bad if my faction was written as being in the right all the time… :thinking: :crazy_face:



And what’s the point in having all these power houses? We can’t do anything with them.
It’s so awesome to read books where Tyrande always at least once per book goes to solo armies. Malfurion going up against the top of the top like Azshara or the Nightmare. When he enveloped the whole world in Storm. Or when we alone created a vortex strong enough to hold Darkshore in one piece during the Cataclysm.
But then comes the Horde and our S tier powerhouses just stumble over a rock and delete themselves from the equation. There’s always something that won’t ever let them do the only thing they are portrayed as.
How do you guys think it feels for us to know for fact all those two can do and still lose expansion after expansion pieces of our land to some Orcs that several years ago landed on our coasts on a boat? I’m a to believe that those few Orcs that came and then the few that survived Hyjal and the Legion invasion were completly rolfstomping our armies and there was nothing we could do?
Having all these Powerful characters accomplishes nothing so we might as well just removed them completly and nothing would really change so I can’t understand why so much complaining about our characters when they have never been able to act in any believable way.

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Yeah, we’ve established this.



Y’all want receipts? Okay.

From the Alliance Blood War epilogue:

Anduin: The armistice is signed. At long last, the Fourth War is over.
Tyrande: No. Not while the Black Moon still cries out for vengeance. Not until the Horde has answered for its treachery.
Anduin: Further bloodshed will not bring back the fallen. We must renew our hope and forge a future for those who survived.
Tyrande: And when the next warchief musters an army, will hope save you if it is Stormwind that burns?
Anduin: I know it’s difficult to trust, but there are signs of change within the Horde.
Anduin: In place of a warchief, there is now a council led by Baine, Thrall, and the others. I believe they can–
Tyrande: Your faith is naive, lion son. I will sign no treaty unless it is written in the Banshee’s blood!
Genn: There is truth in her words, Anduin.
Genn: Peace may be on the table today, but soon enough the Horde will sound their drums and march for war.
Genn: When that day comes, no scrap of parchment will hold them back.
Anduin: The path to peace will not be easy, and not all will choose to walk it.
Anduin: But this is the only way to build a better future. I believe it will work, Genn.
Anduin: It has to

From the Legion Dalaran intro

Archmage Khadgar says: Then I’ll get right to the point. For the Kirin Tor to fight at full strength, we need the mages of the Horde to join our ranks.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: NEVER! Do you hear me, Khadgar?

Archmage Khadgar says: Jaina, we know the pain you’ve endured. But this is about–

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: They obliterated Theramore. They left us to die on the Broken Shore. Again and again they’ve proven to be monsters… cowards!

Archmage Khadgar says: I’ve made my case. With respect, I move for a vote.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Very well. But consider your choice carefully. If you let those vermin back into this city, I will not be counted among your ranks when you welcome them.

Archmage Khadgar says: In the matter of allowing the Horde into Dalaran and offering membership in the Kirin Tor, I vote aye.

Archmage Karlain says: Aye.

Archmage Vargoth says: Aye.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Nay.

Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver says: Nay.

Archmage Modera says: Aye.

Archmage Khadgar says: The vote carries. I’m sorry, Jaina, but the stakes are higher than they’ve ever been.

Archmage Modera says: Jaina, please… we are doing what’s best for Azeroth. Stand with us!

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: This Council is blind to the truth. When the Horde betrays you again, remember who warned you. Farewell.

Jaina teleports away, and Khadgar walks over to take her place.

Archmage Khadgar says: That was… difficult. But we must move forward. We will send our invitation to the Warchief at once. We have a war to win.

From the Horde side of the Purge of Dalaran. Please note that Lor’themar openly admits the belfs helped Garrosh get the Bell:

Archmage Aethas Sunreaver: “Proudmoore! She’s gone and expelled the Sunreavers from the city. She’s purging the Horde from the Kirin Tor!”

Lor’themar Theron “She’s gone too far. I’m certain the Alliance can move their war Mages through the city at will. That human …witch! When will they learn? When will they see that the Horde exists BECAUSE of the Alliance? Because of their prejudice and their bigotry!? They force us ever closer to Hellscream’s Horde.”

Archmage Aethas Sunreaver: My Lord…

Lor’themar Theron: Hal’duron, summon the rangers. Rommath, assemble the Blood Magi, and add the Sunreavers’ strength to your own. We Sin’dorei will take our future into our own hands. And get this damn thing out of my sight! Hellscream bought this treasure with the blood of my people. I hope it destroys him.

Couldn’t find the quotes but in the aftermath of the Purge, Varian also Jaina because he was on the verge of getting the Belves into the Alliance, something never mentioned before or again.

From the Wowpedia page on Alterac Valley

Vanndar Stormpike has been given orders from Ironforge against making peace with the orcs, and appears to agree with the orders. He dismisses the orcs as “savages trying to halt Ironforge’s sovereign imperialistic imperative”. He wants to slaughter all orcs including Drek’Thar, believing that when the General falls, the land will finally turn over to its rightful owner, “Ironforge”. See also, Vanndar’s book [The Frostwolf Artichoke: Tales of Stormpike Glory]

I can find more but I’m doing this on mobile and it’s a pain.

The point is, there’s an extremely consistent trend of Alliance characters who want to take action against the Horde because of their consistent experience of the Horde being a major source of misery and war, they get shouted down and voted out. When an Alliance character does attack the Horde, they are displayed as unreasonable or an imperialist warmonger or accidentally sabotaged something they didn’t know about and will never be brought up again.

Meanwhile, when the Horde starts a war with the Alliance again, then we’ll quickly find out that it was actually just the Royal Apothecary Society/Garrosh loyalists/Sylvanas loyalists and the rest of the Horde are honorable heroes and very upset they had to take part in all those war crimes.

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LoL. Constant… yeah ok.

But let’s say you’re right Blizzard is “constantly” trying to make Alliance feel bad.

Blizzard to Alliance, " You should feel bad for wanting to take out the Horde."

Blizzard to Horde, "You should feel bad for being Horde. "



Talanji has already done the most powerful thing in Warcraft franchise history by using magic to break down a magic nullfying barrier while in a magic nullifying zone. Even Med’an never hit that level of mary sue.


As usual Varian always doing the stupid thing. By acting as a Blue Warchief he forgot to tell the Head Figure of Dalaran (Jaina) that he was in talks with Lor’themar about letting blood elves back into the Alliance.
Nobody worked as close to them as Jaina and he didn’t deem her worthy of that knowledge?
Theoretically Blood Elves would be Alliance by now if not for Varian trying his way alone with thinking others might need to know his plans.
The same happend with Tyrande. He was going to do the same thing she wanted but he got stopped just in time by Anduin who explained the damgers of bloodshed on that zone but he never thought of telling that to Tyrande.
All these Wrynns are a cancer to the Alliance.

*Until it turns out that surprisingly your Warchief was evil all along and the rest of the Horde are still unblemished and honorable. Watch where you step, don’t want to get any ash on your boots.

Meanwhile, Alliance should just sit down and shut up. We should accept that the Horde has chosen Sargeras as Warchief and it would be rude to take preemptioh no where has astranaar gone

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Maybe it’s a grass-is-greener thing. :man_shrugging:
Hard for me to imagine being made to feel bad about something if the questing isn’t actually making you do anything bad first.

Oh yeah. Because we Horde players TOTALLY feel the faction pride now that Sylvanas is gone.



You can lord them over the Horde, both in arguments and in story. Both happen. Regularly.

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Give me a blade and some opportunity to kill Jaina.

That will end this dispute.

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It’s almost as if this point has been made repeatedly, that your powerhouses can’t do anything because the Horde doesn’t have any powerhouses to oppose them.

If Blizzard actually stuck to a level of power consistency in the faction conflict, the Horde would have been smoldering rubble in 8.1, and that’s not really a compelling story.


It took Tyrande and Malfurion to make just Nathanos retreat after he successfully completed his mission. Your thread has zero merit.

I actually really like the point about Talanji with the magic null barrier. That’s like lighting a match underwater, basically, and is a pretty cool feat. I hope we see more of her down the line.

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Give Thrall his world shaman powers back, make Talanji a ultra powerful loa avatar, Rommath should easily be an archmage equal to Jaina, show it. Let Magatha and the Grimtotem redeem them selves and rejoin the horde, Magatha is a very powerful and knowledgeable shaman, not in Thralls tier but still very powerful.

Bring Nazgrel back as a Saurfang tier warrior. pre bfa.

Or Nazgrim. As DK he must surley gotten a buff with it too.

They aren’t going to give the Horde one of the Four Horsemen.