How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

I mean your telling lies, nothing in the thing you posted says that all horde civilians are soldiers

Just came into this thread and noticed it’s another garbage battleground of speculative opinions taken as fact.

Edit: As for OP, I like the idea. But one thing that bothers me is the idea that night elves can’t fight without forest. Their campaign in the Broken Isles(wc3), Suramar and Lordaeron explicitly suggests otherwise. I don’t think they should stop at Ashenvale for the reason described, rather they create their own border with impenetrable greenery infused with Elune magic. If you still want to play the scorched earth tactic for the orcs, you can have them dump blight in certain parts before they leave to slow down the incoming night elves.


That’s true, but there will still be people that’ll harp on about it regardless. Besides, in that scenario it’d give an excuse to update more than one zone while servicing the story. In my eyes, when one faction makes a move on the map, a point of interest should be how the other faction responds.

I’m sure there are better solutions out there, but that’s just how I’d attempt to approach it.

The valley of trials is the coming of age test for orcs.

I’d be fine with just givin’ it back to the Night Elves. The Horde has the Nightborne who literally grow trees with the Arcane. If the Horde needs lumber, they can call up Suramar to teleport in a cargo ship’s worth of lumber.

I hate it that Blizzard gives the Horde new playable races that have resources and technology that can solve most of their resource problems… and then never uses 'em. Give me my Iron Horde train from Orgrimmar to Thunder Bluff already.


The fun Gobbo zone.

They should do more things with the zone though.

The winners/losers can be argued. What was the main goal of the Horde? We know that Sylvanas and the Horde in general had two different goals in mind. Sylvanas wanted death to all, the Horde wanted peace and security.

Ashenvale can also be argued. Both factions drafted a treaty, but both sides also have to agree to its contents. The Horde stills has its claws and teeth. They can agree or disagree to any demand. When it comes to fairness it seems like it can only be established through use of arms.

I think Feralas was a product of its time. The Horde couldn’t cut down lumber from Feralas because there was no safe land route to get it to Orgrimmar. Northern Feralas is held by the Nelfs, and ferrying the wood from 1k through the Southern Barrens was out of the question because it’s a warzone.

Ashenvale is a river away.

I should.

Blizzard just likes framing Ashenvale because it’s land both sides care about.

Hot take. I should of mentioned this earlier.

Ashenvale has cultural and historical connections to the Horde because it’s where Grom preformed a Jesus to free the Orcs from the Legion’s influence. It’s so important that the Horde had built a monument in his name. Horde pilgrims venture into Ashenvale to honor the Horde’s Hellscream.

My issue with it isn’t even resources. It’s class-five stupid to let the enemy build up at your main capital’s backdoor. That isn’t self preservation, that’s offering the Horde up to the Alliance.


post the line that says all orcs, trolls and tauren, goblins and every other race that lives in org

I never made that claim.
And the way of Amadis, you go.

build a wall jesus

Better yet, the night elves create an impenetrable wall of nature.

Edit: you guys have forgotten that the orcs gave up Ashenvale after SoO.


You did cause you said all those civilians are soldiers, maybe you should do the loyalist questline sounds like you didnt do it instead of moving the goalpost so you can have your rawr horde so strong headcanon after 2 xpacs now where the alliance beat them

everyone did, and you got nelf players in here arguing that baine and thrall of all people wouldnt return it

It would be out of character for them not to return it, but the writing is so bad it might actually be true.


well its known that the writing team does what it wants, its pointless to complain till it happens

Assumin’ Blizzard intends to continue makin’ the Alliance and Horde enemies. In which case, I don’t see a reason to give it back to the Night Elves without startin’ the Fifth War.

Since it looks more like Blizzard wants everyone to be friends under God-King Blanduin, at least make the Horde smarter and actually use the resources they have available to ‘em instead of just pullin’ out siege weapons from 10 years ago.

I mean, seriously, who’s left in the Horde’s leadership to be the bad guy? With Sylvanas nope’d out and Saurfang given his honorable death, who’s left for the Alliance to be mad at? Thrall for leavin’ the Horde in the first place, I guess? How much of a threat is he anymore? What’s he gonna do, wave that new axe of his at 'em menacingly? Dude can’t even channel the elements anymore (which is one of the dumbest things to come out of WOD).

Nah, I’m expectin’ Shadowlands to end with Tyrande bein’ relieved of the Night Warrior power, Anduin will convince her to make peace, and we’ll all be super friends ready to fight the Void Lords and/or whatever is the Light equivalent.

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Gallywix’s replacement
Any and probably every forsaken including voss

The only one Blizzard will never turn against the Alliance is Baine. People think that just because we have a council that Blizzard can’t just make everyone evil.


Hey, if they come out and say the Horde is basically the Sith Empire, I’m cool with that too. I can do the evil villain or the honorable anti-hero.

Blizzard just needs to be consistent. I’m tired of the Horde “finding itself” every other expansions.


Big same, my dude.

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This is one reason I’d like for remaining outposts in Ashenvale to be clarified/retconned to be staffed by Sylvanas loyalists instead of current Horde members.

Let the Alliance/night elves get a cool quest chain to go sweep them out, while the playable Horde isn’t losing anything they hadn’t already lost a patch ago. It’s still a reminder of a loss, but hopefully not exactly the same.

(And if there’s a world update, I’d put Botani in southern and eastern Ashenvale, who can form a sort of natural barrier. And place more of them also be in northern Barrens and possibly western Azshara, so the Horde can fell (giant-carnivorous-)trees to their hearts’ desire without needing to go to Ashenvale. Though I’d keep a constant battle going in the Warsong Lumber Camp between the Warsong holdouts and the Silverwing Sentinels, and that quest chain could really show off the theme of the cycle of hatred and fighting because they have always fought and neither side can even contemplate the idea of backing down first.)