How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

Heh just like SFDers to think not only that they know better than blizzard, but to think that they could write a fair faction war hah

I like this idea. I was with until…

I can’t see the elves doing that. Not nature itself can be an ally in the fight.

I haven’t always been a fan of this type of thinking. They’ve proven that they don’t need the forest cover to be successful in battle.

Other than those 2 points I can get on board with this idea.


Pointing out an inconsistency is whining?

OK, I could see how that comes across, I’ll give you that.

But I think this is yet another illustration about how our individual biases taint any attempt at resolving something fairly with regard to the story and how it could move forward.



What if I told you the OP post was written by a long time Horde player?


You know the Night Elves got Darkshore back in 8.3 which was long after 8.2.5. Also the victory cutscene got removed like instantly again.

How does that change what was posted? It’s still Horde losing what they gained in WoT.



yeah thats not what the devs said so headcanon

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Edited the comment, the Night Elves got it back in 8.3 which was after 8.2.5. The victory cutscene got quickly removed though so nobody knows if they have it now or not.

headcanon again, the devs never told us when they got it back

Sorry Anya, I tried.

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The victory cutscene was added in 8.3 (and then removed again).

when something was added doesnt mean thats when they won, the war was over in 8.3

That was set to pass the minute the Night Warrior showed up.

true. But it’s possible that they had already won, after Dazar the Horde was losing and I doubt the situation in Darkshore/Ashenvale was affected by Azshara’s actions.


Sure, and that’d go a long way to placating Night Elves. But, again, how is it fair to both sides?



I agree the night elves need some sort of win besides re-taking darkshore. I don’t think it needs to come at further losses for the horde. From the horde perspective we spent the entirety of bfa losing. The alliance kicked butt and took names in most every aspect after WoT, I felt great taking out horde left and right.

Also, being villian batted isn’t good. Look at what happened to the horde.

Thats what I think happen, darkshore was won before 8.2.5

Interesting, but my number one question is when this proposed reclamation of Ashenvale is supposed occur. I can only think of three periods in time for this to happen.

The first being the next faction war expansion, this time with the Alliance as the aggressors.

The second would be during the Shadowlands expansion. It makes perfect sense that Azeroth would change during the PC’s extended vacation in the Shadowlands. The problem with this one is Tyrande will also go to the Shadowlands with us. Mal’furion and a new Nelf antagonist could make their move when the Horde PC is gone. Nobody in the Horde can stand up to Malf, that Horde doomsday weapon that was suggested could work. However, it’s an asspull. If the Horde had it since Garrosh then why didn’t Sylvanas and Saurfang use it during the War of Thorns?

I think the best point in time this could of happen is between the victory in Darkshore and SoO 2. I like to think Horde “civilians” move in with the grunts. To me it makes sense they’ll start establishing communities in Ashenvale because they think the Nelfs are defeated. They were doing it in the Barrens and Durotar. They were founding villages when the Centaur and Quilboar were still living an axe toss away.

I think this can work as the Nelf heritage armor quest. Something something nature is savage something something. The army issue can easily be swept under the rug just by having Mal’furion participate. The Horde had to send half their entire army in a surprise attack, and had to wait until the majority of the Nelfs army was already in Silithis before they had to attack. It took weeks for them just to push through to Darkshore. I think Mal’furion just turning every tree in Darkshore and Ashenvale into a treant would be enough to overwhelm whatever garrison the Horde has in Ashenvale. Cenarius did it with a flick of the wrist during WC3, isn’t Malf described as having surpassed his mentor?

I still believe Ashenvale should be divided between the Horde and Nelfs. The border between them is the river by Splintertree Post.

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Why? So, should be tirisfal now shared too? Or Silverpine? most people can´t even explain why it should be divided. In a way that the other faction can say Well, sounds fair. There is always a sense of justice argued here, but honestly both the Horde proposals and the alliance proposals around Ashenvale are rarely truly fair.

The conflict about Ashenvale has always been and still is controversial and actually never justified, let it finally rest and end the conflict.


How about we share every single zone, how is that for fair

Nope. That makes as much sense as the Horde having territory on Teldrassil.

It would make sense if the Alliance only owned a few hundred meters of land beyond the Greymane wall, and only because they can shoot that far.

It cannot rest as long as it is never fully answered.