How to fix Spellslinger Frost PvP

Maybe mage is great if you are Gladiator or under, but its a nightmare for those of us capable of playing at the top of the ladder and simply cannot without queueing 5 hours a day, which involves setting up UI, working through game bugs, installing WAs, making new macros, changing binds, adding cancelauras, buying new mice, setting up AHK and the software that came with the new mice, returning the mice because the ergonomics are bad, installing powertoys, getting a QMMK keyboard, and more because of how they engineered things in this expansion. Actually, having to have a QMMK keyboard/AHK/special mouse is typically something you only see in RTS/FPS/MOBA and games that actually have a good E-sports mode. I have 10 more binds than I did in DF, and I would have 13 more total keybinds if I bound the cancelauras(+3) that Frostfire requires. I thought I was future-proofed for at least 3 expansions going into TWW. How wrong was I? Never had we had this many keybind changes and button bloat going into the next expansion. It’s more than just being about fun or unfun.

I updated the post. I mean, this is 100% a game design issue. This we can agree on.

The spec is inherently worse than DF for your average player who does not have 3-5 hours to play a day to bind cancelauras and install WAs. Playing 3-5 hours a day is not needed to reach Glad, nor is binding cancelauras or installing WAs. Though if you want to be the best Frost Mage in the world and the top Frost Mage on ladder, you 100% need these bound, as well as 1000s of other spells - Ring(s), Wall, Possibly snowdrift. This is not how it should work, we should not be forced to play Frostfire and have a million different trackers, addons, be night elf, have 13 more binds than we did in DF, etc, etc, etc. In DF we did not need to take Snowdrift or Ice Walls; it was an option because it was more fun. Lol. They are actually considered a good option now, queueing into most comps.

I can’t have fun if I cannot minmax with what I am given. They’ve created a game where it is very difficult to minmax without dedicating a god awful amount of time + new hardware purchases to find something that is comfortable. It was not like this in DF, at least for the top of the ladder. You could get by with the same gear, spec, and playstyles as you could for nearly every pervious expansion, aside from Cata, which was based on Icelance instant spam, but Cata was a whole lot better than what we have now.

The simple solution is balancing the rest of the game, like you said, and then start removing things like Hero Talents and racials in PvP if needed.

We complained about borrowed power in Alpha/Bet—that is basically what Hero talents are providing, and they still did not listen. They never listen. They just do what they please. Anytime they say they are listening, its 100% a publicity stunt.

Seems like Raiku and co don’t care about that part, as they simply roll to top of the ladder anyways. So what exactly are you talking about? That you want Mage more OP so you can faceroll even at the top of the ladder?

I said the best frost mage in the world, and yes, they have spent hours every day playing, doing keybinds, having cancelauras, WAs, playing frostfire, etc. They would have to, to be the best mage in 2v2 and if they are not the best frost mage in 2v2, then they are not doing these things.

What are you talking about? Neither of those mages are the best mage in 2v2. Lmao.

Currently, bye.

You are completely misunderstanding, if I wanted frost mage to be more OP, I would be playing this expansion and not BFA non glacial frostbolt spec because frost mage frostbolt is stronger this expansion than it was in DF.

If mage takes too much time for you to set up your ui as you need it, maybe pick another class. Every class can be played without macros and stuff, they are just making it easier.

2s is a bracket that barely anyone cares about.

This is not a bone you want to pick. I’ve successfully played Frost Mage in every expansion since 2005. This is the first expansion; its been the worst quality of life I’ve ever witnessed.

Every class has bind overlap; that is why picking up other classes is so easy. Changing classes will not help.

This is a game design problem, not a me problem! Wake up! Stay woke!

Those who love the piss out of PvP care about 2s and only 2s. We know its the only bracket we can solo carry and make a difference in.

I really don’t care about the outcome of this discussion but I just wanted to point out you’re sounding like a lunatic.

It sounds like YOU ‘love the piss’ (whatever that means) out of 2s. I would say, and most people would agree, most arena players enjoy playing 3s more. It has been the premier arena game mode for what? Decades now? To say those that love pvp only care about 2s is just wildly inaccurate.

I mean it’s fine if you like 2s, but don’t try to twist reality around your perspective.

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Many classes that are attractive to mage, like Resto Shaman, actually would have more keybindings than mage would. Being able to @arena123 hex, sheer, spirit link, earthshield, earthenwall, etc. The only totems you can’t use @ are like earthbind, and some others. Believe me, I’ve considered playing other classes. They are impossible to play if you want to be god mode at them. I do not consider any player in the game today a god mode player. Aluneth Master is close in random bgs using all his engineer items and toys, but seriously, even the top players in any bracket are a consistent S+ at their class at best. It takes a freak of nature to be God tier every game at their class. Something I was trying to achieve but its simply not feasible now, without re-learning binds and using spells/mechanics that are broken and should not even be in the game like Ice wall, snowdift, ring of fire(higher dps than filler spells, rofl), etc.

The game is purposely designed bad on purpose, to waste our time and pump profits. In no way, is it or will ever be tuned for AWC again. Ever. Unless Activision Blizzard gets smart.

Case in point, a lot of the classses that take finess, setup, arena123, focus macros, perfect CC, risk vs reward, which, mind you is a skill level of play - perform very low in rated 2s. Which is not right at all. The game currently rewards mindless button mashing. Resto shaman has the lowest performance in rated 2s in the game right now and has potential to have a perfect playstyle, but because you are based on your other partners play as well as the game having close to 0 skill coorelation currently, its performs like a pile of crap. Even with perfect play, and arena123 macros. You won’t break 2200 at the moment on ladder as Resto Shaman. Which is just wrong.

The only reason they like 3s is because they have friends to play with. Logically, from an LFG perspective, which is what this game is based on, as a new player, there is no reason to enjoy 3s.

This is a real-life threat.

You’ve been reported. If you reaad the beginning of this post about shaman performance being terrible in 2s, and just look at basic stats, you will see I am not a lunatic. The game is built around team play and that gives you all the reason to hate team play, especially when they do not balance team play or care about it. Nearly every class is cleaving, the only players you should be playing with in team play are rank 1 players, who have their cancelauras and crap figured out.

The average community member is going to hate 3v3, especially when he has no R1 friends to play with. Having your poly broken at 1600 rating, because some gladiator did so, is not fun.

This thought being spread that 3v3 is balanced and fun is a complete misinformation compaign spread by 70% or more of players. Just like 70% or more of people support Trump/Elon in Rural areas. Gladiators/streamers/etc are not your everyday players. Most players do not have endless R1s to choose from. Most of us, are not having fun in LFG trying to build a team. At least you have a better chance in 2s, getting something together than 3s. This is all crazy to me, yet somehow, I am the crazy one here. Ok.

You are crazy because you think 2s is important to anyone. Just check activity. Nobody plays it! When you are at 2400 in 2s, you are within the top 50. Says everything I guess!

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This is a real-life threat.


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touch grass

Ehm, no? :slight_smile:

So you sayin it’s the hardest mode

No, I am saying it the least active PvP bracket.

Brother, I’m at an event with friends and you’re consistently harassing on a hidden alt.

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Care to elaborate?

I’m sorry swole :cry:

Sorry for everyone living on this planet in hell :cry: