11.1 Frost Mage Feedback Thread

How to fix Spellslinger Frost PvP

  • Give a 10-15% "Prismatic Barrier" when using "Barriers." as part of the "Reactive Barrier" talent, or give a 10-15% "Prismatic Barrier" when using the "Barriers" baseline as part of the Spellslinger tree.
  • Other options for dispel protection are also listed above, if you believe “Prismatic Barrier” is too strong for Frost; you could also Nerf its CC reduction. Obviously, Arcane would receive a 15% “Ice Barrier,” and if you believe “Ice Barrier” is too strong for Arcanel; you could reduce the movement slowing it provides. There needs to be some balance changes! Spellslinger does need dispel protection as compared to Frostfire, fewer CC breaks, and damage increased in PvP. Particularly with hardcasted- risk vs. reward spells like Frostbolt. We should not be rewarded for casting “Frozen Orb,” specc’ing “Coldfront,” and also dropping “Blizzard.”. These spells are a tool used against stealth and to slow players. They should not be used for actual damage. Making them last a full 12 seconds just makes CC even harder to execute.

  • Keep "Look Again" at 50 yards.
  • Nerf Icicles 100% in PvP.
  • Buff Frostbolt 40% in PvP.
  • Nerf/Buff Ice Lance x% if needed in PvP.
  • Provide static 4-8% haste in PvP.
  • Turn all mastery into versatility or provide static 4-8% verse in PvP if needed.
  • Allow Fingers of Frost to critically strike off Frostbolt and consume a charge.
  • Prevent Spellslinger Splinters from Breaking CC.

There I fixed it.

I just balanced Spellslinger Frost for the next 4 months for you guys. Which should be the Frostbolt, non-glacial, non-ice lance build, but your team certainly does not seem to be taking it that way. For whatever reason. This would make it competitive with Frostfire and still may even be 5% CR behind. But it also allows a playstyle no other builds have—AWC control Frostbolt with no CC breaks or crappy dynamic spell cast timers. Which Frostfire and anyone specced “Time Anomaly” suffers from.

Also, an instant Frostfire bolt should never do more damage than a hardcasted FFB. Get out of here with that trash.

Good Luck.

-Buff Spellslinger