How To Fix Shadowlands

One thing that worked wonders on BfA was Allied Races, because they gave us reason to roll new toons when we didn’t have anything better to do.

So why not do more Allied Races?

And what’s the most popular type of WoW Race?

That’s right. Elves.

To fix Shadowlands, you must add more Elves.



No no noooooo, we need more gnomes!

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My Sarcasm senses are tingling

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We already got regular Gnomes and Jim Carrey’s Doctor Robotnik Gnomes though.

What else could we possibly need from Gnomekind?


Sarcasm, satire or not Mortis.

I think we really need more character cap increase.


But on a serious note, They should really add an Allied race at least one Every expansion

And it looks like the powers never coming back on in the office


Wanted to stop at this but saw the word ‘Elves’ and had to say we do not need anymore complainers that want too much and feel like they don’t have ‘a lot’. They’re already asking for void elf Paladins.

That’s ridiculous.

What we really need is Life Elf Death Knights :smiley:

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What…. The…. I’m not even gonna say anything. At this rate, let’s me Tauren Elves.

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New race: Garithosians

When killed by a Garithosian an elf’s mana is consumed and demented and deformed by the Garithosian, this permanently turns the elf player into an ugly mana addicted deformed elf that nobody wants to look at.

Sell the IP to another company. That’s how you fix it.

Preferably somewhere NOT in CA.

It’s essentially a group of Night Elves that suddenly and without much explanation were fundamentally touched by the cosmic power of Life and switched to the Horde because reasons.

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Horde gets:

Alliance gets:


Runs away from this grenade post

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I have a better proposal:

Corgen. Gnomes afflicted by the Worgen curse. Since Worgs (giant wolves) are to Corgis as Humans are to Gnomes, a Gnome with the Worgen curse would turn into a Corgi person.


That is a truly horrifying idea.

Wanna fix shadowlands? Simple. Drop the pride, hire back the people who knew what they were doing. Stop letting people be so offended by everything. Stop trying to bilk your customers (that were in the past loyal customers) and kow-towing to esports “professional” guilds who invariably try to again pick-pocket your customers by trying to “sell their carries” and let gaming get back to being about fun.

Those people made Shadowlands though.

No they didnt, im talking about long gone devs.

I saw this as another bad idea thread…at first, but it’s Mortis, so yeah. Give us another allied race. Something like a small Druid would be nice.

Not the bad elves Morty be talking about. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well, those made Wildstar lol

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