Hi All, Blizz has all these work arounds but my personal experience has been on a Mac security programs have been setting folder access to “Custom”. Issue is even if you set Wow and Battle Net to admin access, it does not fix the problem.
I figured out 2 files to look in
- tact.log in Logs folder issue was a key which changed per update changes the config folder to create. The locked folder was in data/config. In the tact.log it will tell you, just change the permission setting to read write for folder
- in AgentNGDP…Log file similar issue again a folder was set to custom.
Instead of all the nonsense of all the work arounds, try this. This is why the reinstall always works, the culprit is a security mechanism changing the access to custom. It may be even the Mac itself is doing. I shut off security as I was using VPN and still a folder access was changed. Hope this helps people from the hours of all the support work arounds.
Play on Windows, don’t have MAC issues.
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Easy: Quit being a hipster and get a PC.
I guess you didnt read, its a security issue locking folders…lol And I prefer MAC as I work on Windows for my job and can tell you more issues with windows.
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Idk, sounds like playing on Windows still fixes the issue.
I work on windows and prefer windows, kind of a pointless statement, but it is what it is.
WoW doesn’t work well on Mac OS because the install base is so small. With a new Linux gaming device on the market that plays WoW really well, Mac probably going to fall even further to the wayside. WoW team is probably already stretched thin. Even if you like Mac OS, it just makes no sense as a general use platform because it has like 0.1% software support of the other platforms. No one likes working with Apple, they’re just bad people.
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unfortunately for you blizzard has ceased officially supporting mac.
Thats a user problem for sure, WIndows has been stable for years unless its a Id10T error
LOL…this has been the only issue I have had…lol In all the years playing wow since 2007…So funny all these negative comments yet…no basis to support your claims.
omg thank you, this finally fixed my BLZBNTAGT0000138F error
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Mac: hey PC whatcha doin?
PC: just playin some games.
Mac: oh which ones?
PC: all of em.
Ha Ha…Since I fixed issue NO PROBLEMS…
I recently ran into this issue and your advice worked. I ended up having to go to each WOW folder and change the permissions to “read & write” and that solved the issue.
Thank you.