Lone wolf-the hunters pet is dismissed and cannot be resummoned while lone wolf is active
-the hunter gains 50% armor pen, critical strikes cause the target to bleed for 40% of the damage done over 8 seconds, and concusive shot CD is reduced by 50%
This gives the damage boost without making hunter damage insane vs clothies, while stronger vs plate.
So pvp wise if a mage has 15% damage reduction from armor it only shreds 7.5% armor. But if a warrior has 40% damage reduction it shreds 20%.
This means the damage bonus is lower vs already low armor targets so is less powerful vs squishy casters than it is vs high armor targets.
Concusive shot CD change is to make up for the lack of pet utility.
This makes this rune more balanced in pvp, while giving a good pve buff as 50% armor pen is a big damage boost. The bleed on crit helps spread out the damage instead of it being all burst as well.
Also note, the 50% armor pen is an example number that is easy to math. It could be lowered to 30% or another value to achieve the desired balance, BUT this is much easier to balance for pvp than a straight up damage increase which will hurt low armor targets more than high armor targets.
Effectively lone wolf armor pen adds more damage the higher the enemies armor. Making it far healthier for pvp.
Lone was there to compensate for the raids where the pet would fall over to aoe DMG and thus you wouldnt worry about the loss of DPS
Unfortunately pet does more DMG than the DMG that lone wolf provides…
for now… who knows what later DPS would look like on a global scale
Your version of lone wolf is an iteration of piercing shot from wotlk hunter talents or even a retail version of some garbage thing they add (don’t play)
Leave as is and let’s see what happens first
We aren’t even level 60 yet
So leave it as a desd rune that will either be beyond weak, or op in pvp?
The ebtire point of my suggestion is its better to balance for pvp by making it armor pet then a stright op damage modifier because that damage modifier makes hunter even better at bursting squishy clothies in pvp with ranged attacks (an issue we already saw in era) making it percentage armor pen makes it weaker vs low armor targets and stronger vs high armor targets.
As an example lets say a boss in pve has 50% damage reduction from armor. This lone wolf would be a 25% increase to dps for all physical attacks (which is most of hunters damage, especially MM with aimed shot) but vs a mage with 15% damage reduction from armor, only turns intoba 7.5% damage increase. Its better for pvp balance.
Which is why it also gets the bleed bonus damage. Which would outscale the pet for MM and possibly SV. Also this would work for melee SV as well as the bleed isnt from ranged crits. But all crits.
It’s just pets perform better right now
Historically that’s how pets were for hunters. They perform better at lower levels… pets wont scale as hard as a hunter at later levels though
Like I already said in my last post which I think you need to reread cuz its like im repeating myself and nothing is getting to your brain
It’s level 25 you need to give some runes some time at different levels to compare it’s power level you have no clue, zero, oval, 0 idea what the DPS/meta is going to be at level 40 50 or even 60
So chill out before making such overreacting change
Pets were about 5-10% (depended on uptime) at lvl 60 in era.
Pets got scaling in sod and is seeing them do about 2-3 times the damage they did in era without bm talent or rune modifier. Which means they will likely do at least 15% dps at 60. So lone wolf is a dps loss vs no rune at all based on known data even at 60. This isn’t even comparing it to competing with lion which is a 20% stat bonus to the hunter, which the hunter and pet benefit from. Even if we only look at it as 10% stat bonus (assuming other king source) that is still a big deal in terms of what lone wolf is competing with.
Also again, part of the reason for my suggested change is PVP BALANCE. Less armor classes will not get bursted as hard with a percentage armor pen because the less armor something has the less effective the armor pen is at adding damage. But will be more effective vs high armor targets.
Effectively the mage with 15% damage reduction will see 7.5% more damage taken, the raid boss with 50% armor damage reduction sees a 25% more damage taken. Making it more healthy for pvp while still being strong for pve.
It is a dps loss vs no rune at all and based on known data, that will remain true at 40/50/60. Now consider that it is competing with lion as well. It is a dead rune.
Lol still going over your head with my last two post about pets being scaled insanely right now which is why it’s not the preferred rune at the moment…
And the post about how it’s trying to compensate for the DPS loss of a pet dying in raids with the 15% flat damage boost…
This is the third time trying to get through to you…
At the end of the day they aren’t going to listen to this suggestion anyways …
it’s already a overreaction of a rune that will have its potential in later phases
You’re assuming that era hunter pet damage ratio will directly transfer to sod, but then be better cuz of pet buffs and completely forgetting that hunters are getting buffed by crazy amounts themselves.
Your logic isn’t logical as it depends on hunters staying the same power level as era.
Its not about compensating for the pet dying. Its compensation for not using a pet at all.
Lets say the pet ends up doing 15% of a MM hunter damage at 60. Great lone wolf breaks even vs not using any rune at all. But wait, it shares a rune slot with lion. A 20% stat boost. Which equals about 10% more damage due to it also effecting the pet scaling.
So if pet is doing 15% of the hunters damage, lone would would need to be a 25% damage buff to be viable because of what it is competing with.
Lone wolf is a dead rune. For lvl 25, 40, 50, and 60.
Also pets have avoidance now. So dying from raid aoe shouldnt be a thing unless your healers are outright ignoring them.
Make Lion an aspect again so the rune isn’t a braindead choice compared to any other chest rune.
20% Stats and a pet with aspect of the hawk vs 15% Damage and aspect of the Hawk without a pet is kinda brainless for choice.
20% Stats and a pet without Aspect of the Hawk vs 15% Damage and aspect of the hawk without a pet is a bit easier to swallow- especially if there’s a BM hunter in the group with Lion for the 10%.
The pet is currently about 25% of the hunters dps for a MM hunter running chimera. Even if we assume that drops to 15% by 60 that is still just even with the rune. And outright ignoring the rune competing with lion.
No, its recognizing that pets are doing about 3 times as much damage and that their percentage damage is also considerably higher.
Its also considering that the pets now scale, and will have much higher uptime on bosses because they have avoidance for aoe damage now.
There are multiple compounding factors of known information that support lone wolf is a garbage rune, and without a change to the rune itself, will still be a garbage rune even at 60. Just competing with lion makes it hard to justify using it even if it was a dps buff for the hunter, because kings for the group will likely outscale that personal dps.
Which is a problem only when soloing or in a raid group with only 1 Hunter (and no Paladin for alliance).
And you will never use that rune when solo.
Pets always did extremely well at lower levels in wow. If you want an accurate comparison go make an era hunter on horde, get to 25 then go kill the 28-30 elites in hillsbrad and see what % damage is pet. Making up nonsense about level 60 era vs level 25 SoD is just silly.
Lone Wolf should have been Hunter’s tank rune.
6% less chance to be crit, turn disengage into a taunt, threat increase, some form of damage reduction, and a damage boost to compensate the loss of the pet damage.
This was a perfect opportunity for hunter tanking without dealing with janky pet AI/pathing.
Except we have gear on steroids so we can get an idea of how scaling will work. Its not a perfect idea, but its a reasonable glance at it. And even assuming pets lose 50% of that at lvl 60, that puts their 25% damage output for a well geared MM hunter to about 12-13%. And even just looking at the 10% additional stats from lion instead of the full 20% because we assume normal kings is already covered, lone wolf will not be worth using as that 2-3% damage increase from using lone wolf is overshadowed by the 10% additional stats that will give at least 5% more damage.
But hay lets assume lion and lone wolf break perfectly even in dps while the hunter has mana. Lion has 10% more mana. So it lasts longer with mana than lone wolf does. So its still better even if dps was perfectly even because its mana efficiency is higher simply because of a large mana pool.
Lone wolf is a dead rune, at this level, and at 60.
I use lion when soloing. Why wouldnt i? 20% stats is amazing. Tankier pet, more mana, more damage, even more spirit for mana regen is also helpful though not really a priority.
Or were you referring to using lone wolf? Because i doubt i will ever use that rune at all.
It would just be nice if lone wolf was at least viable.
It is currently looking to be a dps loss to take it even at 60 based on known information. But with it just buffing raw damage, it becomes a pvp burst issue, as we have already seen blizzard will nerf hunters for pvp with no care about how it effects pve.
My goal is to get it into a healthy spot for pvp and pve.
Making it a percentage armor pen makes is very good vs high armor targets, while far weaker vs targets that already started eith very little armor. Then add the bleed on crit and it is balanced out for pve as well. The concusive shot change is purely to give a little utility back from the utility loss of no pet. It isnt meant to be perfectly equal utility wise, but it is something to help keep distance.
Lone wolf in its current form has 2 options based on how blizzard does its balance. Unviable and low damage (its current itteration) or to strong for pvp. And if its to strong for pvp, it will be nerfed to the ground, which blizzard did before launch. Chabging it from 25% damage to 15%. And currently a MM hunter pet without bm rune/talents at 25 is doing about 25% of the MM hunter damage. So even at the 25% before it got nerfed, it essentially broke even vs no rune at all. Yes at 60 it will math out a little differently, i would expect a MM hunter pet to be doing about 15% of the hunters dps, but with it also competing with lion, lone wolf is still a dead rune at 60.
It needs to do something other than just flat damage bonus.
Lone Wolf
When you do not have an active pet:
-Deal 15% increased damage.
-Double the bonuses gained from the Agility stat.
-Remove the deadzone of ranged abilities.
-Gain 2% of the hunter HP and mana after killing a target that yields experience or honor.
*With the loss of pet damage and utility/tanking, hunters need these new tools added to the rune to compensate. The removal of deadzone is mandatory sinse you no longer have a pet to tank mobs for MM spec.
*1 point of agility now gives the hunter:
-Ranged attack power: 2 → 4
-Melee attack power: 1 → 2
-Crit chance: ~53 agility = 1 → 2
-Armor: 2 → 4
-Dodge: slight increase → Even more (no data for this one)
You can see the rest of the runes i made in this post, theres quite alot.
I think its a shame it shares with Master Marksman, because I would love to play Lone Wolf/Master Marksman. PEW PEW GUN
Like you could maybe later move MM to a diff slot perhaps, who knows. But Lone Wolf could also add on top of other things make it where Guns dont have a “Dead zone”.
But the 15% def isnt enough regardless for the playstyle.
Just increase the damage bonus. It’s not hard. If pets are 20% of a MM Hunter’s DPS on average, make Lone Wolf 25-30% increased damage, since you need some additional damage to make up for the lack of a free NPC tank following you around.
15% damage is a joke because it doesn’t even make up for the loss of pet DPS. The rune MUST provide a damage bonus that is equivalent to the loss in pet damage, at minimum. If it’s not going to do AT LEAST that, what’s the point in using the rune?