The problem with just raw damage though is it is either super weak, or broken for pvp. This is specifically for how hunter does its damage.
Aimed shot, multi shot, chimera shot with 2 auto shots in between is a lot of burst. At 15% bonus damage if any crits occur it becomes stupid vs clothies in pvp.
sounds like it’s time for more pet nerfs! or better yet, a full removal of that rune. BM is TBC, not Classic. It should stay there.
The only real issue with sod bm is the runes need to be active hunter = stronger pet.
So that can be done with a new changes.
Bm rune reworked and renamed.
Go for the throat. When the hunter critically hits the pet gains 25 focus instantly and an additional 25 focus over 5 seconds. And after this effect is triggered the pets next ability will always critically hit.
Cobra strikes removed and reworked
Pack tactics when the pet critically hits with an ability or basic attack it causes the hunter to gain 2% critical strike chance up to 10% critical strike for 10 seconds. When the hunter critically hits it causes the pet to gain 4% armor pen up to 20% for 10 seconds. (Note, percentage armor pen is less effective vs low armor targets than it is for high armor targets, this makes it less effective vs clothiers in pvp)
Kill command, make it tbc version with lower damage, same cd, but it also gives the pet 2% bonus hit chance for 15 seconds stacking up to 10%
This makes bm much more active reliant for its damage on the hunter and pet being active. Because they build off of eachother instead of just buffing the pet.
Also note, all 3 runes complement eachother
Crits from hunter cause go for the throat makes the pet crit, pet critting gives the hunter more crit chance, making the hubter crit more which makes kill command also useable and with hunter crits the pet gains armor pen, and kill command gives the pet hit ratting to help its pve reliability.