How To Fix Cataclysm

The ultimate example of “Creating the problem and selling the solution” where the currency is goodwill.

The reason I played Classic to to see the original zones like they used to be. For that reason I have no interest in Classic beyond Wrath. If I want to play anything more recent I’ll just do Gnomie time or whatever it is in Retail.

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cataclysm would be great if we deleted 10man raiding.

Cata Classic would be a huge flop. I just don’t see there being enough demand for it. Cata was the beginning of modern Retail. Classic should stop at WotLK, which was the peak of the game’s popularity. The 2-dozen people that want to play Cata can just do Chromie Time and Timewalking on Retail. It’s basically the same thing.


It’s FAR from the same thing.

Why the hell are people always doing the “I got mine now you can’t get yours” thing? Like just let everyone have their time in their favorite expansions.


How many would consider Cata their favorite expansion? If I were a betting elf, I would say not many. I played back then and saw a LOT of people quit and never come back. WoW has been on a steady decline since then. Better to just end Classic on a high note and let Blizz focus on making Retail better.

No thanks, I want mop. It’s my favorite expansion.

And I don’t want them to stop there either. I won’t play past mop but people who want to should be able to.

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Yes, I know many want to play MoP. How many of them would actually play Cata though? If Cata Classic is a bust, would Blizz bother with MoP Classic? I doubt it.

People will play cata to get to mop, just like MANY of us played Vanilla and TBC to get to Wrath.


Maybe, maybe not. Assuming we get WotLK Era servers, I can see people staying there until MoP and then using the level 85 boost to jump right into MoP. If we don’t get Era servers, a lot of people will be enraged about being forced into Cata and quit. Either way, Cata Classic doesn’t look promising.

Just have to wait and see, I’m not as cynical about it.

Fair enough.

No Cata solves the problems

Based on how they’re handling WOTLK, I don’t think Cata Classic is a good idea. The only change i’d recommend is to stop making changes. It’s the only hope for Classic to continue after WOTLK.

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Release it for 3 months so everyone can level then move on to MoP???



It’s probably best they just release a few servers of each version of their game and let people choose what they’d like to play, much like that whole “museum” bit they were pushing at the beginning of this project.

[EDIT]: Ideally stopping at MoP, personally speaking.

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Given how they are changing things I’d say just don’t touch it. Ya there’s ALOT they could fix in cata but we could want something changed and they will monkey paw us to hell and back with that change.

The only way they will change something for the better is on accident

It does have a future. Whether that’s ending at WotLK or not it has a future, Aristotle.

No. It’s just the issue at hand. If it is to be or not to be. That is the question.

Bypass it. Make MoP an expansion that spans 80-90. But we’d have to remove the pandas. Keep monks and the Chinese theme, though.

People were mad they had to farm up an extra set of gear… You mean like my PvP set… And my bear set… And my cat set… And my threat set… and my mitigation set… And my Fire Resist set… And my Frost resist set… And my Nature Resist set… And my arcane resist set… Oh god no wonder I have no bag space…