How To Fix Cataclysm

I hope this is the direction. I actually think their whole adding challenges to heroic dungeons may be them testing out how they would implement classic+ and whether or not people would like it. I don’t consider cata onwards the same type of game as pre cata, and personally have 0 interest in any expansion after cata (except retail obv.)


Most complaints were that it was too difficult. Or that people felt the need to get old world gear for it. They weren’t complaining about the idea of having mage tower back.

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People cried bc they hsd to farm a time walking gear set

Remove the cap on Valor/Honor points it was my number one pet peeve in that expansion. Unlock Talent trees and allow free spending of points all the way to level cap.

Cata will be DoA and people will either be playing retail or pservers again.

The way things are going people will be playing pservers before Cata even becomes a thing.


There isn’t much point to doing Cataclysm Classic, or anything after it. That’s just… timewalking, in Modern WoW. There just isn’t enough difference between Cataclysm and what’s available in Shadowlands to justify it, really, outside of maybe like… the talent trees? And I doubt the talent trees are justification enough for a whole project.

not valid entry, we don’t care about cata

And Dragonflight is bringing back more Classic features like larger talent trees. So people will likely migrate there out of Classic by that time, which is likely what Blizz wants.

I wouldn’t change Cataclysm to appeal to others. I’d leave it as it is for the people who want to play Cataclysm, which there is a base for. There isn’t anything to fix here. It’s not a problem to be solved when the aim should be to preserve the game the best it can be and leave it alone. I don’t want changes nor do I think Cataclysm needs them. Leave permanent servers up for everyone else to stay in Wrath Forever (And have Permanent TBC servers as well).


Not delete all old world content would be cool for a Cata rerelease.

Nothing, Cata was fine as it was. Only problem with it was spending too much time in short raids.

This implies that a) Classic has a future, and b) Cataclysm is that future.

don’t see why they would stop the gravy train.

All these subs, all the boosts, all the transfers, all for very little effort on their side.

Because a lot of it will dry up at Cata. Not necessarily because it was bad (it was) but also because people believe it was bad.

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you’d be surprised, cata is extremely popular around pservers now, not like mop or wrath popular, but enough to make it worthwhile to get to classic mop

I’d be severely disappointed if we don’t get mop

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I feel like the “Pserver popular” and “Classic Wrath popular” scales are wildly different. Like orders of magnitude.

Blizzard may not be money on Cata if that’s all they expect to want it. And the choice to kill RDF is going to tank the game after ICC comes out, since it was what propped up half the expansion.

They’ll “change” their minds around that point, you watch.

They’ll change their mind because of us telling them they’re wrong and the tool is bad, for the next year. Anyone who thinks we won’t be is fooling themselves.

It’s likely always their plan, they do it all the time, take something away or don’t give something and then when people forget it was them who caused the problem bring it back in and say “we’re listening!” for that good pr.