How to fix afflicted

Put the omni-debuff on the tank with a duration as long as the cast. If the debuff runs it’s course everyone’s haste is reduced. If dispelled nothing happens. If the tank receives the healing required to remove the afflictead npc now the debuff is also removed.

The affix is fine and super easy as it is, no need to change it.


This isn’t about difficulty… Please go make your own thread discussing the difficulty of the affix if that’s what you want to do.

This a duplicate of a thread you made before then, which is against forum rules btw :slight_smile:

It is not. My last thread was about the design of the affix and the problems it suffers from and this one is a suggestion for a fix to the affix. They are similar but different enough to warrent a separate discussion.

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Except there is nothing wrong, thus nothing to fix.

Great feedback thanks.

FOTM Pally with 24 tools to negate every single S2 affix says it’s not a problem.


Idk that might be a little too passive in my opinion.

You would probably end up clearing it passively without even noticing it happened.

I’d imagine a blood dk would heal it off almost instantly without the help of a healer.

I mean I could see an entirely new affix going a route similar to that though. Maybe it puts a heal absorb on the tank until x amount of healing is done. Shield healers might struggle there. But at the same time, healers have been getting too much responsibility as it is. So maybe not a good idea to make another healer oriented affix.

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Right now bears have a passive that deals with the affix. And I wouldn’t mind bdks handling the affix because they need to be thrown a bone with their damage right now.

How to fix afflicted- delete it. that is all


Doesn’t need a fix

The healing required to deal with Afflicted is not very much. It would be completely impossible for a tank to not receive that much healing in 10 seconds.

Where you run into trouble with healing Afflicted is committing 2 GCDs to heal it on top of everything else going on in the dungeon. Those healer GCDs can be important.

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It’s certainly something that could be tuned.

Or the debuff goes in everyone which is removed when one (or two) are dispelled or everyone receives some amount of healing.

The main idea is to get the debuff off a mob and on players to make it more visible.

How to fix afflicted

You don’t.

The struggle is that it might actually be less visible on the player.

Imagine you play on lowest settings, you wouldn’t be seeing any glow or anything. Dps players don’t really watch party frames either.

Look at the raid. Last boss, final phase. Some people don’t even notice they walked over a bomb even though it puts a huge round shader over the player.

I think the affix is fine as is. It’s super easy to deal with but can be a problem if not. Also I have no way of dealing with it so huge fan.

Let me tab target them and ill be happier.

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No but a dev could :wink:

Wouldn’t have to tab target them with my suggestion. Just click and dispel or overmouse.