How to fix afflicted

Nah, they don’t need to change an easy mechanic because some players are just scared of the new thing.

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you have a demon that can dispel

You’ll always run with at least one person who can handle the affix. Worst case scenario, the healer dispels one and heals the other. Super worst case scenario where dispel is on CD, healer heals both after telling team to use a defensive because there will be no incoming healing for five -ish seconds.

Like what often happens in Brackenhide if you take the disease route.

Not all specs NEED to be able to handle the affix. You’re playing as a team. You gotta learn to depend on others to cover your shortfalls.

If it was a magic buff yes, as far as I can tell Afflicted are suffering a debuff. So felhunter is out. It’s also not a magic debuff so unsure if imp singe can remove it.

Felguard is out so that eliminates demo entirely.

I’m going by the FAQ in the warlock discord on how to effectively deal with afflicted as a warlock. They recommend playing Diablo since we can’t do a thing with afflicted

It is an incredibly easy affix to deal with. So many DPS or tank classes can help, too. It really doesn’t need to be simplified anymore.

It wouldn’t change the mechanics of the affix it just makes it more visible. Right now in big pulls or of the afflictead mob spawns in a tree, wall or rocks it can be difficult to click on the bugger. Nothing worst than knowing what to do but you have to fight the UI to do it.

Putting the debuff on the party ensures (for the most part) that the affix is visible, in range, and doesn’t bug out in an environment element.

I’ve been playing a Ret Paladin for 18 years…
Also, after doing more keys last night, I can definitely say that this affix is probably even easier than entangling.

You can’t make this assumption. But even if you can, an affix that requires certain classes in order to avoid a potentially group wiping debuff is a poorly designed affix.

With the exception of potentially the old raging, every affix before incorporeal and afflicted could be handled by every member of the appropriate role. Outlaw rogues were the kings of BFA explosives; but the hunter could also dispatch them in a pinch. Priests have a leg up for bursting, but that doesn’t mean a holy paladin is incapable of keeping the group alive through it. Dwarf prot paladins were the best for necrotic, but an orc monk can kite away when stacks get too high.

Every affix had an optimal strategy that was only actually required of the teams at the very top of For every other group, having the optimal option made things easier but every other class still had opportunities for counterplay.

In many situations afflicted can theoretically be handled solo by the healer regardless of their class. In practice though there are times when a healer won’t have free globals to float on healing multiple afflicted mobs while keeping their group alive through heavy damage periods. This gets even worse if the healer needs their dispel for the demands of the pull without an affix.

In practice for afflicted and always for incorporeal, there are group comps that require absolutely perfect play to counterplay this affix while also dealing with the requirements of the dungeon itself. Some group comps are completely incapable of handling these affixes. Regardless how rare those comps might be, the group leader being forced into a specific group comp beyond just tank, healer, 3x DPS is poor design. As people get used to it more the failure rate to the affix may go down, but having a mechanic that has only one answer that cannot be provided by everyone in the target role should never exist.