How to feel wanted and useful in 2024

I again left another guild. I seem to find a pattern I don’t like. I join a guild. I get excitable to assist and help and give. I can be in a group of 800 or more in the guild and go days without a single person responding to a post unless its guild program like raid, In which my efforts are rewarded with comments of terrible dps or light hazing, the pug of the guild, never a pal or one of the core pals in any guild. Just a tag along user who can be left alone to his own devices. LFR group searching is not an effective tool to grow when the groups hosted break apart with one wipe, and guild runs I might be eligable for if the users choose to log on and attend when they post they will attend just to have a 3 man turnout on a 25.

Be that end game content woes, People gone from the product before December or whatnot, I play wow for the reason most poeple MMO, Social interactions. I feel I can be a valuable member of a functioning guild. I have a wealth of knowledge and willing to provide and assist as a good member should. I came from the days where you had more fun making activities and goals for people to show slight interest. 1 month in (REDACTED) and I went on 2 raid runs which one completed. Then I go back to my corner to await anything to feel wanted and useful.

I don’t enjoy this as a single player game and if you aren’t in a guild or fat stack gold cap the struggle to beat a mythic 2 is so real it shouldn’t exist and is astonishing how quick queue pug groups fall apart just so a guild can ignore me. Last 4 or 5 guilds, Gotta love that segregation of the 10-15 good pals and the hundreds of silent users who don’t care either way. Glad I cant stop being mistaken for a dead weight user. What do I need to do to find what it is I actually seek? Can’t wait for the orders to join 3rd party guild sites or download more addons / trackers just in case I can’t videogame properly, I can’t get a break!


im in the same boat…looking for the same thing basically, you prob should look for a smaller/newer guild wr theyll prob need you if they want to achieve something. On a guild with 200+ members youll prob become just “another one” unless you are a “social butterfly” that can be online almost all day. so, if you find what you r looking for let me know bnet: Kardhu#1864

We are For the love of aggro on spirestone cluster .

We are recruiting ! We are a Raiding and Mythic+ guild looking to build our ranks! Recruiting all classes, roles and experience!

We are a guild with years of experience in leading and raiding focused on building something new and fresh! We like to keep things fun and relaxed but at the same time focusing on content when the time comes.

What can we provide?

  • Progress and growth within the guild and content!

  • Family oriented (both in-game and out)

  • 18+ environment

  • Safe and friendly space to be you!

Who are we looking for?

  • Like minded individuals who want to have fun and joke around, but also still do end-game content!

  • Players willing to learn and grow with the guild

  • Those looking for a fun and safe environment

Raid Times

Wed and Thurs 7-10 EST

Recruitment Needs:

At the moment our recruitment is open to all with a big need for RDPS If this sounds like something you’d be interested don’t hesitate to come talk to us!



I would like to talk to you, However I don’t really understand discord and don’t know how to contact you. I am interested in discussion.

Please feel free to check us out. We are small but growing and do have people who are actively doing things outside of raid as we build our raid group up.