How to disable LFG channel for newly made characters?

Every new character I make in WOTLK classic starts with the LFG channel in my default chat tab. Its annoying that the moment I log into the game my chat log is spammed by LFG messages. Is there a way to disable this for new characters (before they log into the game). I know how to disable it from within the game. I want to be able to create new characters and not be in the LFG channel, or at the very least have it spammed in my default chat box the moment I login the first time on a newly made character.

If anyone can help me figure this out I would appreciate it.

Pretty sure that it is something you will have to go in and do manually each time as it is part of the base interface. Same as it is for General, Trade and Local Defense. Perhaps there is an add-on that might do it, but otherwise it’s just a matter of getting onto the character and set things up how you’d like.

Is there a way to have it in its own tab upon character creation?

There really isn’t anything you can do but suffer with it for the short moment it would take to turn it off in the base UI or set it into its own tab after you get past the intro screen.

I’m assuming you’re referring to WotLKC, but if this is for retail, please feel free to correct me. And just to be sure, since it’s late and my brain is winding down, here is how you can set it up in it’s own tab (for you or perhaps someone who may not know who trips over this thread in the future) - again just something you would have to do after the character is created.

But to set it up in its own tab?
-Right click on your chat box tab, Create New Window

  • You’ll get a prompt to name the new channel tab. I’m just naming it LFG. Then right-click on your new tab, go down to Settings

  • From there, I personally just un-check everything on the Chat tab, then move down to the Global Channels tab. Only select LFG, and you’re all set.


Yea I already know how to do all that and this is for WOTLK. Is there a way to change any default settings for the chat box at all for newly created characters? Every time I create one the chat box is this very small and wide in the bottom left. There’s room for maybe 2 or 3 sentences. These are just annoying things I don’t like dealing with when I make a new character because I want to play the game and not have to deal with setting up things like the chat box for the 100th time.

There isn’t really a way to do this like you are wanting.


Unless there is an add-on, it’s just one of those joys of new character creation. Set-up your bars, turn on auto-loot, set-up your chat settings, all of that.

I personally have the Prat add-on for WotLKC, but just panning through it I didn’t see a way to set an adjusted base default, but if anyone else knows better I welcome them to share. I just have it so I can have Class colors or TRP color/names because that’s what I’m used to seeing.

I’m sorry I don’t have a better response, but perhaps someone else might know better if there is an add-on or utility.


Its Ok. I was looking through addons and haven’t found anything that seems like it would do what I need. I just think it should be an option that we can turn off LFG for new created characters. I just want to create new characters with a clean chat box and not have it spammed with a thousand messages a second. Just a personal preference.

Perhaps it will be something with the UI overhaul they’re doing for Dragonflight, but with the current systems, we’re stuck doing it all character by character. And trust me, I get it. Retail or Classic, that is one of the first things I do is nip that chat really quick. I will keep it in a separate tab for my Classic alts for my dungeons, but that is the only reason.

If you go to your chat window, right-click on the General Tab, and click on Global Channels, you can uncheck 4.Looking for Group and not see it again. Unfortunately, you have to do this with every toon you have but, once done, you never have to do it again for that toon.

Full disclosure #1: I am a fan of ElvUI. I’ve defended it many times on these forums and as looking at my profile will show that, I want to get that out there right up front.

Full disclosure #2: I did WoW, BC, and Wrath the first time around and have absolutely no desire to return to them.

However, if ElvUI is available for the “Classic” versions of WoW, I’m relatively certain their “personal” settings include this sort of thing and it’s a one-click item when you’re setting your profile to copy the personal settings from a “master” profile (you set one up and use it to clone other profiles) to make this sort of thing easy. for the addon. The Discord for them is friendly and accessible - not suffering from the sort of elitist Linux Disease* that, say, the Weak Auras Discord suffers from.

It’s worth at least looking at.

If that does NOT do it, the addon to do this would not be insanely complicated You might even be able to fit the necessary commands into a macro (or a macro chain) and put it (or them) in your global macros bucket for use with new toons.

* Linux Disease - answering a technical question in a condescending manner with the answer content requiring enough knowledge about the issue that only someone who didn’t actually need to ask the question can understand it.