How to destroy more MMORPG aspects: Make World Bosses instanced

I really don’t care either way. These servers have way more people on them than they did back in the old days. World boss respawn rates were not made with this many players in mind. That and fighting for a tag always came down to whatever guild did the scummiest things and in this day and age I’m sure discord cabals will just control them on each server.


Shows how it would have been which is no loss. IMO the gear probably won’t matter either. Have to see what is added to the rep vendors.

World of Warcraft 2006
World of Warcraft Classic 2019
World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore 2021
World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery 2023

I never said Classic (even the 2019 one wasn’t classic as some of us have been around since 2006.) Odd emotional support goalpost move.

I have a feeling you are talking about the 2019 version. A guy spamming a discord link calling it a crowing achievement.


Sod has layers, so world bosses would be a sham in any form. 2019 had the real world boss experience, and wasn’t cheated like you described. If you weren’t referring to 2019 then w/e, that’s my mistake.

Spamming a discord link? Not sure what you’re talking about. In 2019, phase 3, after a few months of scouting, fighting for and downing world bosses with the server coalition, I not only rolled into the tag raid, Empyrean Demolisher dropped, and I won the roll against 17 other warriors.

That, leading my first raid, and winning SGC on my 2nd BRD run ever, are my most memorable and cherished achievements in WoW. Crap on that if you want, but it is what it is.


Vanilla started in 2004. I was around since open beta and started in Nov 2004. Azuregos and Kazzak were released in 2005. My raiding guild in Vanilla did all 6 of the world bosses. The fights in Vanilla were epic and I remember some to this day.

I also enjoyed the Classic 2019 fights and I expect to remember some of those too.

You have a point about the layers, layers that Blizzard decided SoD just had to have because the servers just had to be mega servers despite that messing with the PVP balance they worked to create (another topic).

At the very least the world bosses could have been turned into some sort of battleground you could join with up a raid group of 40 people at a time, once a week, and fight the other factions 40. They could have made the Azshara battleground portals go there and add some more to other areas. That would have at least made the bosses feel somewhat the same. Now they won’t feel the same at all.

This would have required creative thinking though, thinking that goes beyond spending all day staring at class discords and talking to streamers, and spending 90% of development time rebalancing classes and specs.

So we get this bland, no-thinking required “solution”, that not surprisingly, the loot-driven, self-obsessed, and also uncreative players, who hate the “sandbox play” that Vanilla had, love.


it don’t matter :expressionless: none of this matters
just let SoD rot


Aguy never played true vanilla and thinks C19 is just the bee’s knees.

This is a good change.


I think this is a great memory to have.

I don’t think the other poster gets it. He thinks it’s fine to make stuff like world bosses as boring and unmemorable as possible. Seems like someone who plays Retail most of the time.


Oh look…more threads from the guy who doesnt play SoD


They knew this was coming at the start of p3 when they completely revamped the area we’re supposed to fight many of these world bosses and replaced them with the wildly popular and wildly successful incursions that everyone loved so much

gotta say this removes the “glory” of world bosses and turns them into rotational boring and most of all forgettable gameplay.

i remember big battles over tags back in the day before it was all mathed out and put on a cycle.

gone are those days or any hope of world encounters i guess.

its sad.


Oh for sure! You all are definitely going to compete against the top .5% of guilds to kill one boss in the open world!
Be real, that ain’t happening.


2019 all the servers had discord to coordinate world buffs so some random turn in didn’t mess up the timer (and then have to make reset the npc with a mind control.) Yes most servers had one guild camping raid bosses. They could be taken down with 15-20 people after a few days. You just happen to be the one controlling the tags on that server.

I was at the spawns to. 5 min before spawn we’d see all the low level alts login to check to see if the boss was up. Soon as confirmed up 1 min a lock would be there to summon more locks.

@Mootwo Make stuff up? I’m one of the few people when questioned back up what was stated with a video showing exactly that. Facts should add to an accomplishment not diminish it. If you embellish events to the point of some random person saying server discord channels existed takes away, that is on them. IDC.

I hate mythic dungeons and the way wow went. That should give you an idea of my retail play.


It was cool? I have not seen a single world boss up in all of WOW Classic appart from Doomwalker ONCE.

That was done for when the server had 3000 people… makes no sense on a mega-giga-sod servers where you have 10-20x times that.

Layer swapping to find one with the world boss is not good game play.


having things that are a very small part of the game that are “out of reach” for all but the most coordinated dedicated people is actually good.

you wanna compete with them? build the community to track the world bosses and beat them at their own game.

something that is a pie in the sky type of thing that people can dream of and eventually work towards if they have the muster to do so is actually good.


They don’t wanna work for anything just walk up and boop the piñata


As you know the spawn wasn’t on a hard schedule. You could wait for days if the boss spawned near the end of the cycle.

Yeah this was a community effort to organize and execute, and the group that was best prepared often won. The larger that group (say, a whole faction) the more likely they are to succeed, so it wasn’t challenging to join the coalition built by my server community. It wasn’t exclusive whatsoever.

I still don’t get what you’re trying to say. I was saying layering wasn’t in for classic world bosses, which is true. You were saying layering was abused in Hardcore (without mentioning hardcore, which is why I thought you were talking about Classic) which is true. It still feels like you were trying to misrepresent facts about Hardcore to make Classic look cheap, but I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.

I didn’t embellish a thing.

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That’s exactly why they promised to remove layering in Classic 2019. Layering breaks the game in several regards, with world bosses being the most unambiguously broken.


I didn’t mean that you made stuff up. I say that to other people when it’s clear that they are doing that, but that’s not what I was trying to say to you.

I meant that you seem to be fine with taking “sandbox play” away from world bosses and turning those bosses into just another bland raid encounter, the type of instance encounter that every version of WoW has. Which means there’s now going to be nothing special or memorable about them whatsoever. It’s just more boring loot rewards that few will remember 4 months down the line. However, I can still vividly remember world boss encounters from 2005 and so can people I talk to. I was just talking to someone 3 months ago randomly from my Vanilla server who remembers.

I did watch your video about the hardcore guild layer hoping. I agree with you about the layers causing problems, although saying that, there are layers because Blizzard decided to have them.

Also, to be fair, that’s hardcore where a lot of people are afraid to do end-game stuff. On my hardcore toon, I could get more black lotus than I could on my toon on a dead Era server with only 10 real people on it at a time. So yeah, finding the bosses on other layers was probably really easy.

As for the rest, I think that Xtrasecksi is on point.

I don’t tend to care about most of what Blizzard does with SoD but IMO this change is one of the worst they’ve done so far. IMO it shows a complete lack of understanding from the devs, and I think their solution is bad, boring, and uncreative.


That is why I said before. They were looking, just like me. Bosses had a timer they could spawn on if you knew when they died. That was when people would show. I shouldn’t need to say this.

Abused or creative use of layering mechanics. Not my call. Video just shows what sod P4 world bosses would have been if the bosses were left open world. As for 2019: we had all the timers on the bosses on when they would spawn so it was a race as discord was forced on you otherwise you stood no chance.

To me they were already bland. Raid logging “spy” toons wasn’t immersive gameplay. Just like the low level toons logged at black lotus spawns.

For my actual opinion on the change: It allows more people access, and takes away the videos gameplay which I will say are both a good thing. As for you asking for a boss to be fought over, yes that is a negative. There are many different things added to sod so far. Maybe some open world boss can be added to give you the memory you are looking for (something like bloodmoon boss but I think that would get stale to quick.)

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hey it’s the youtube man! big fan, sorry I killed you getting DMF buff several weeks ago <3

wasn’t very happy with the state of the game, then realized it was you and felt bad. you’ve tried to stay optimistic the whole time and I applaud you for that.