How to destroy more MMORPG aspects: Make World Bosses instanced

Yes, and you aren’t going to experience these bosses as they were engaged in vanilla. The danger was the entire point of the fun.

Now you just walk up to it and pop the piñata.



for the Nightmare Dragons, I think this will be fun.

would think Azuregos and Kazzak would be better staying in the open world.

some new world bosses could be fun too. something in the far south of Winterspring, or an Anubisath in Silithus.


It’s a change in the sense that it’s different from Vanilla, but it actually makes the game more homogenous. It reduces variety. It removes a change of pace in bossing.


Well now anything that comes from it is not special whatsoever.


I never really participated in WBs because I couldn’t commit to playing at random times. I would have much preferred a set timer that the bosses spawned or potentially some sort of quest item to summon them into the world (even if it announced they appeared to the world). Putting it into an instance isnt fun - particularly coming from a pvp server mindset.

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Least now the world bosses will be obtainable instead of being camped by one guild layering to kill it non stop.


We had a faction-wide coalition that anyone could join. If you’re an active participant in your server community you weren’t locked out of these bosses. I was in a dad guild and got Empyrean Demolisher in P3, on the premier PvP server. It was and remains my crown achievement in all of WoW.

Now that they’re instanced, you still won’t get to “get the boss”, because it’s been removed from the game and replaced with something else.


One of the best experiences I’ve ever had in wow was 40 v 80 fighting for Azuregos. Ally had a head start, but horde grief us enough so that they could summon 2 naxx raids that had just finished.

It was everything you would want from an mmo, both side were constantly scouting. Warlocks summoning an army. Pve and pvp perfectly meshed together on a large scale, was so epic


Defeatist loser mentality.


Losers don’t have any fun.

Winners take all

You were a loser. That’s not an insult, you never got a world boss then you were the loser party

But not to worry, you can now zone into your loser safe space instance and pop the piñata and feel good about yourself again!

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Could you just shut up when you don’t know what you’re talking about instead of making crap up to confuse people?

This is fake news and literally never happened. Not once.

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It’s quite apparent sod players aren’t gonna last in Ashes of Creation when it launches in 400 years


These people couldn’t handle an actual RPG if their lives depended on it.


They’re revealing their true nature this phase.

Washed nobodys

I agree.

There was something dynamic about getting the world bosses down.

I guess the downside was things like how I was late to work 20 mins one day over a WB kill, but you know that’s how it goes, and I’ll remember even that for a long time.

A Flayed Doomguard Belt was one of the things that I kept from C2019 because I remember getting that Kazzak kill after fighting for it. The allies normally got that one for obvious reasons. Would I have kept that or had any memories of getting it if it were just another raid boss? Nope.

With some exceptions, stuff like this shows who actually liked the original game and the people who just care about downing more unmemorable raid bosses and getting loot.


maybe my feral druid can get his pants this time around without having to deal with the cancerous garbage of world dragons. Nice.

I’m sorry, I’m gonna be a filthy casual on this one. I always hated world bosses lol

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We had something similar for a while and the nice thing about that is getting to know others on the server.

I’m really not big into things that take away from stuff like server community.

I wonder if they will hand out scarab lord like candy too. Probably.


There are videos of people doing this.

h ttps://


Join a coalition. Removing player content for boring instanced content isn’t good aggrend regardless of how much you like your own posts.


Layering was removed from Classic because of World bosses. You’ve got a point (accidentally) that World bosses would be cheapened in sod no matter what because they’ve ruined it with layering.

The link isn’t even from Classic. My god.