Because it objectively is incorrect.
Again… did you watch the video?
Hell, you even gave me the link to the exact timestamp.
TipsOut: "And because the game is so old, or, y’know, it’s coming back after a long break, a lot of people know the mechanics now and it makes things easier. Um, but, at the same, just like you said, the add-on API is a lot more modern now and people have the tools to make more sophisticated add-ons than they did back in the day.
Possibly add-ons that trivialize things like in-game boss mechanics, or even things like grouping up, and being able to group up faster. For add-ons like this, that maybe make the game a little bit too easy or do things that are not exactly maybe in the spirit of vanilla, do you guys have any kind of philosophy as to how to address these add-ons?"
Omar: “Sorry, we lost the audio for just the end of that question.”
Brian: "It sounded like he was asking if we have a philosophy about add-ons just in general, like which ones would be allowed, and I feel like the general philosophy is, like: if it automates gameplay, we don’t like it to automate the gameplay for you. If it’s helping you see the layout in a way that makes you feel like it’s more comfortable for you to view and respond to, that’s exactly why add-ons are in the game, is to make, like, the interface more comfortable for you to read and respond to, especially for anybody who, like, uses them to help with disabilities and things like that. That’s what we’re absolutely commited to.
That’s one of the reasons we left in color-blind mode. Like, what kind of jerks would we be to take that out, right?! We really want people to be able to see and experience and react to the game in a way that feels comfortable to them, but we don’t want it to be played for them."