How to counter a ret in PVP now?

I couldn’t really tell you either way but I’d suggest that any of those initial response and complaints would be the result of people not particularly thoughtful about how to approach engaging a giving spec and usually just went fighting them by force of habit.

Any changes to those habits would be deeply disrupting, confusing and likely to trigger a frustration response.

That being said, it doesn’t mean that they don’t require legitimate tuning both positively and negatively.
We’re at a stage where CLEARLY people in general haven’t learned how to play against it and neither does Ret learned how to efficiently play with it.

Basically, we lack critical data to pose any judgement on the situation yet.
Especially on the PVP side of the game.


I haven’t played my shaman for a few weeks, but I seem to remember it being really tough to keep a determined ret (or any melee for that matter) off of me. In BG’s there was usually some terrain to abuse with thunderstorm or a lot of space to get range again and I could do pretty well. In arena, the situation is more dire, combined with me being bad at arena (but that should not matter as much, because I am also playing others just as bad as me in ranked games).

My destro lock does not have much to keep distance, and my frost DK seems to absolutely melt to ret, especially now that so much can be done from range. It feels a lot harder to even get away from them despite chains of ice, blind, and stun, and I sure as hell cannot go toe to toe with a them.

So ele shamans are killing you? Are they a counter to you in PVP?

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Battlegrounds are not a damage contest.

Correct, they are killing blow contests.

Only if you’re a hunter, lol.


No one said they were. You can get a pretty good idea of class/spec performance though by which classes are consistently topping the charts.

that’s simply not true because hunter has been top for years and not been nurfed XD try again


Just finished another bg with 4 ret paladins on my team.

Guess who were the top 4 dps and kills?

We 5 capped.

Tell me damage doesnt matter again.

Roots, slows, stuns, purges… Especially when they have wings. Basically just kite… Think of them as a flamboyant arms warrior with bad knees.
HoJ makes we wanna insta trinket if i get caught out of bear form now lol


literally what hunters have been doing for years XD


What classes can consistently do this now? Hunters, mages, druids?

Getting within 20 yards feels like game over

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We got a last second buff to damage the day before the patch came out. Sustain damage is way higher than it was the week before, talking 20% plus here.

My testing showed about a 30% increase. Prior to that hotfix overall damage was lower than live and sustain was still trash while being a few thousand DPS higher than live. Our sustain went up around 7K DPS after that hotfix, before the last second buff it was wet noodle plus around 2K DPS. Sustain is 10K higher than .05 depending on build.

After a few nurfs the complaints will be about locks, destro is insane right now. Took almost 350K damage in less than 1.5 seconds from destro in arena…


There are a few hard counters to ret in pvp. Frost mage is the best counter to ret there is, and a wizard cleave comp is also a good counter. Hunter can also kite paladin pretty well if they know to get blessing of freedom with their tranq shot, so that can potentially counter too.

Outside of that, honestly it’s too difficult for other classes to counter imo. We are just too strong right now in every aspect of pvp.


Appreciate this comment, frost mages do seem like a great option with ret and arms doing so well. I will dust off my ret and see what I die to as well 8).

I am a scrub in arena, so what works at my rating might not apply at higher ratings.

Elemental is also pretty strong in arena against ret. Unlike warriors you can thunder them away, root, dispell freedom, unleash shield them away then slow and so on. Plus you can also do some pretty unhealable damage and caught him of guard on his shield (also if you play icefury you will end up slowing and rooting with SoP a lot).

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Kite them further then 20 yards. The stratagy didn’t change.

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Locks can make it so they can’t crit with a curse on a 20s cd

You dropped your tears

Kite, keep him slowed, purge freedom, use cds on wings. Getting a ret on your team helps too.

Or just wait for them to be tuned down, we all know everyone will cry till rets put back in its corner.


Still, all ranged, like it always has been.

All ranged, have escapes, slows, and can start hitting ret before they get close.

All 3 locks specs are still tough, frost mage as always, ele, mm and bm…

We are tankier now, that’s it. The counters are still the same.