How to counter a ret in PVP now?

So you are saying that Ret is basically on every comp, but there are still more Arms warrior than Rets over 2400 in 3s, the so called standard for pvp balance.

Doesn’t that mean that Arms is overperforming compared to Ret in 3s at least?


Play monk…LMAO.

Yeah, but 90% of our abilities have 20 yards range now. Kitting is isn’t much of an option no more.

I think Venruki plays a lot of arena at high rating, see what he has to say about ret right now:


Representation and popularity doesn’t not equate to being overpowered.
And I’m not going to take someone like him seriously, when in one fight he didn’t bother to blink the stun, nor popped a single defensive and then wonders why he lost.

Goes to show what the real truth is. People have gotten so used to Ret being soo easy they forgot to bother learning how to counter it against it. And it shows as Ret went from the class spec dying the most to now really performing.

Also things like Judgements of the Pure are not why Ret is overpowered, They’ve had that ability for years and it wasn’t a problem then. Heck Ret from the very start all the way till wrath could magic cleanse, with no Cooldown. So its not exactly a game changer. Healers do it all the time, no one complains. Oh but that’s, right people have this stale meta notion of how they think things remain. That only healers should cleanse.

Oh and do notice I didn’t once say ret wasn’t overpowered.


Watch him play double ret then (for the first time ever):

I guess you don’t play boomkin, ele, shadowpriest, or destro…

Apparently it was part of the reason according to Blizzard though:

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They have flashbacks to wotlk …

Still have fond memories of the Wotlk Pre patch that unshackled ret for the first time.

Divine storm and seal of command plus sheath of light. Remember coming out of a stun and killing two people without even targeting them when seal of command dubble crit.

Also, I camped a priest for 2 hours for having the gal to mana burn me during leveling.


feels like you can relive those in DF right now!

I like how everyone who doesn’t play paladin says they’re broken except those who play paladin

It counters many classes. It wasn’t a problem then because Judgement was less accessible.

Its always been accessible, it just wasn’t problem when ret was the class spec that died the most. I always took it facing priest back in Shadowlands, as mind games is a death sentence. Now that ret aren’t the easiest kill suddenly people have problem with an ability they’ve been using for months prior.
Healers can do it far better and no complains about that. Its one magic effect, one, just one every 8ish seconds. All healers can do that, but they removed all magical effects from the target on an 8 second Cooldown.

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Before 10.0.7 rets also couldn’t afford to take judgment of the pure. Your pvp talents were basically locked in for freedom, reckoning, and sanc/whatever.

Now, the dmg throughput talents are either nerfed like crazy (doing roughly 2% of your overall, or less) or quite simply do not work. Reckoning doesn’t work at all with crusading strikes even though they said they fixed it. But now, we don’t need dmg throughput or reckoning to help us burst every min, we simply have that with wings. Which means we could use talents that don’t give throughput and rets found out that hey, a dispell on everyone roughly every 8 seconds is pretty damn good, and it shuts down like 4-5 specs from being able to even play. On top of that our survivability went up a lot so even if something has dispell protection we just shrug off the hit.

I hope the pvp talent revamps gets rid of every single dmg throughput pvp talent that everyone has, pvp talents should not help you do more dmg, they should give you unique utility you otherwise don’t have. Have to wait and see what else they can even get done before 10.1 releases tho.

Yeah, except this time Judgement has multiple charges, and has less of a cool-down. It is why it is being nerfed. You shouldn’t be able to constantly cleanse yourself and teammates just because you are pressing your damage buttons.

i am helpful am i not?

Grats, for once a based and realistic post that isn’t filled with gloating or self-pity.

Mages and Hunters have hard countered Paladins for over 15 years.

Enough of these lies, just stop it. So sick to death of having to constantly correct these deliberate lies people like you just keep on perpetuating. Learn for god damn once how the charge system actually works.
You only get one extra use per fight, thats it.
If I did 10 or even 2000 judgements during a fight. Improved Judgement would only increase that number by one, just one additional. And that’s only because it was pre-stored up before combat.

I already took that into account and it not shorter than what healers can already do.

It can only cleanse one magic effect from one player.

That just makes unreliable when it happens. Judgement could be on Cooldown for 4 or even 8 seconds before it cleanses one magic effect. Healers hit their either straight away or have to wait global and cleanse all magic effect from the target.

Actually he’s right i wont lie to you here. Judge having 2 charges is very good, you dont only get 1 extra judge per fight (not sure how that even applies to pvp? that sounds like a pve statement, you get far more judges in pvp with that talent) but we also get 2 sec off judge now too, so you can constantly press it if you take double judge and the cdr talent.

On top of that, judgments of the pure was working with blessed champion (judgment and CS cleave talent) which meant from 1 judge you would get 3 total if you put one point in that talent, and all 3 of those judges would cleanse. This is why it was overpowered and why people ran the cleave talent to begin with (not that great outside of this 1 use). We were pretty much just dispelling stuff via our normal rotation and whatever we couldnt get like a cross cc Hoj on the healer we could just sanc.
It was stupid broken

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A healer has to stop healing or doing damage to dispel though. Ret just continues to do their normal optimal damage rotation.

As Shaman Purge only works at 30 yards max, not sure what this would accomplish