How to contact Customer Support directly?

I have a semi-complicated issue that’s difficult to explain through a ticket, and ticket’s don’t seem to get reviewed by live people initially, I used to be able to get ahold of people through phone call/live chat but that option isn’t listed anymore, what happened to it?

Covid happened to both, unfortunately. Live Chat does sometimes make an occasional presence but only for account- and billing-related issues, though those occurrences are far and few between.

Tickets are presently the only way to get in touch with game masters.


If you want to explain your issue briefly maybe someone can point you in the right direction otherwise your options are quite limited.


If you can briefly share what you need help with, we can assist in finding the appropriate ticket path! Please note, there are some things that GMs cannot assist with.


Just so you’re made aware, tickets does get viewed by real people, but if the ticket queue times are a bit high, you could receive an automated response linking to support articles that can be possible fixes.

It might help if you explain the problem a little bit here so people here can help you and show you either where to go, or what to do. Keep in mind, not everything Customer Support or Game Masters can help with as well, so having some information here might help us with helping you too.


The complication likely comes from the fact that it may not be something a GM can assist with, but that is only a guess based on the little information given.

Hopefully this post will give you a better idea on what GM staff are able to do.

Perhaps simplify the ticket itself, overly complicated explanations won’t really help. If you care to give a bit of information here, perhaps we can help point a better direction in the ticket path beyond a generic ticket which usually gives the initial answers players receive when wait times get too long.


Live chat, when it’s available, is ONLY for billing/tech support. I don’t think it’s available right now anyway so it’s moot. From my understanding, it was disabled because the ticket queue was too high, and those agents were needed for regular tickets. If that’s the case, it should be reenabled (for billing and tech support only) when ticket times go down. Tickets are the only form of contact.

Phones went away many years ago. Because they were only for billing/tech support, but people would make a several hour hold time for in-game issues that the phones could never help with, and they would get told to put a ticket in. So many people abused it that they disabled phones entirely.

So, back in MOP there was an enchant available in PVP called Bloody Dancing Steel, I started pvping exclusively because I wanted that enchant, and I barely managed to eke out a hair over the rating needed to get it, but was a few wins shy of getting Duelist, which is the achievement required to purchase the bloody dancing steel illusion, Glorious Tyranny. I still have some items with that enchant on them, and even 2 of the enchanting scrolls in my bank however.

This is where it gets uncomfortable though, in WoD the illusions were made available, and this is where I was going full into PVP, there were 2 illusions made available, Primal Victory and Glorious Tyranny, I got well above the rating needed for both, getting the elite set on 4 characters, getting the arena master, 2700, and gladiator achievements by the end of S1 as a hunter. A hunter. cannot use. the illusions. Erego, I did not get them.

When they were made available to purchase for anyone who got the achievements account-wide I was ecstatic because this was what I started pvp for and I always get this pang of sadness when I see someone who has the illusion, however despite being available during WOD, the WOD achievements only qualified me for Primal Victory. Glorious Tyranny, aka Bloody Dancing Steel, is the sole reason I learned to pvp beyond random BGs, and what led to thousands if not tens of thousands of hours of gameplay over the next few expansions, I met friends, both in game and out of game, I’ve seen families form, marriages, breakups, etc, all because I started PVPing.

This illusion not only has extreme sentimental value to me, but given it was available in WOD when I met the requirements for it, to every class except the one I played, on top of already earning it before it was an illusion, I feel cheated out of something I worked extremely hard for.

Given the timeline and circumstances, combined with the evidence of not only having the achievements/rating from the time it was available, but the physical enchant itself still sitting in my bank, I’m hoping I can get a GM to grant me the Illusion, because it still hurts to see it sitting in my bank, as if it’s mocking me, no matter how far I get, or how many other illusions I unlock, none of them compare because they don’t have that emotional attachment to them.

That would be a design decision made by the Devs, there is nothing a GM can do. If Hunters can’t use the illusions a GM can’t just give them to you on another class. Also it seems that your achievement doesn’t include the illusion. A GM would not be able to assist with that either.


I would not get my hopes up. Generally not something a GM will be able to do for you.


I’m afraid that isn’t something that a Game Master would be able to do. If it wasn’t available for you then, it doesn’t qualify you to receive it now unless means were put in that allow you to do so (i.e. previously earn achievement allowing you to purchase it from a vendor).

As Mourningg mentioned, it is a design decision. One that absolutely could change, but a Game Master cannot supersede game functionality. If the current scroll you have does not allow you to learn it, a GM wouldn’t be able to replace it with something you can learn or otherwise grant you that illusion, sorry.

This absolutely is something you should submit feedback on though.